The Truth

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(Found another song :3 ^)

          You closed your eyes. Of course it was a setup. I can't believe I was such a fool to think Mistyfoot was actually being nice to me again. Taking a deep breath, you laid your head on your paws.

Thoughts swirled through your head. Good. Bad. I am good. I am good. I am good. I am not a traitor. Then you stopped. Am I a traitor? You thought for a moment. No. I'm not betraying what I believe. I believe that a leader should be strong. I believe that a leader should be fair. I believe that wherever I am, I should fit in with those around me. And none of those things apply to RiverClan.

When you were a kit, you always believed that RiverClan was the best Clan. Not just because it was the Clan you were in, but because of the cats in it. You loved your Clan, that is, until they started to change. Not every cat changed. You always had a connection with a few cats, but they'd died by now. Your father had died fighting for his Clan. Your mother had died defending her Clan. You had no siblings.

It made you wonder: What's the point? If everyone fought for RiverClan and died, what was the point? There would still be fights, there would still be deaths, and for what, more territory? Proving that one Clan was "better" than another? It didn't line up. And I don't agree with it.

A rustle at the entrance of the medicine den broke you out of your thoughts. Opening your eyes, you saw Mothwing appear carrying a few leaves in her jaws. She set them down and padded over to you, nudging Hawkfrost away with her tail. He scoffed, but didn't protest, settling down a few tail-lengths away.

"How do you feel, (Y/N)? Does anything hurt?" She pawed over a few pieces of thyme. "If you're in shock, eat these."

You shook your head, pushing the herbs back towards her. "No, I'm fine. And besides my neck, nothing really hurts. I'm just really cold." That wasn't a lie. The water had mostly dried from your fur, but what was left of it was catching the chill in the air, causing your skin to feel like ice.

Then, you thought of something. "Hey Mothwing, have you heard anything from StarClan recently?" You tried to be casual. If the leader of RiverClan was planning something, surely StarClan would know about it?

Mothwing froze, her eyes filled with worry. "N-no! Not—not recently." She cleared her throat. "Uh, why?" She began kneading her paws anxiously in the dirt-covered ground.

Confused, you flicked your ears. "No reason. Just thought I'd ask." You laid your head on your paws. I feel like there was something I was supposed to ask...

Hawkfrost quickly made his way back to your side. He let out a slow breath, lapping gently at your ears. You were about to fall asleep when you heard Mistyfoot's voice ringing out from the clearing. "Duskfur! You'll be the leader on the evening patrol." A lump of hatred formed in your throat. You shifted in your nest. A moment ago you were calm, but now you wanted to do anything but be stuck in the stuffy den.

"Mothwing, can I leave?" You needed to get out. She didn't look up when she responded, "Sure, but if you feel anything odd, come and find me." You got to your paws. "Will do."

You bursted from the den, the cool air catching in your damp fur. You ignored the freezing temperature and stalked towards Mistyfoot. But before you could reach her, Hawkfrost rushed in front of you. "Wait, (Y/N)." He flicked his ear.

You stopped. "What? They need to know that I know what's going on. If they think they can just intimidate—" you were cut off by Hawkfrost's tail covering your mouth. Annoyed, you attempted to walk around him, but he only stopped you again. He nodded towards a spot behind the warriors den and signaled you to follow him, but you rolled your eyes and kept walking towards Mistyfoot.

Hawkfrost X Reader (Female biased)Where stories live. Discover now