Two Nights

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You hissed in agony as claws sharp as thorns pierced your flank. Turning to face your attacker, you lashed out, sending blood spattering against the dark, slimy grass. You kicked back, making the cat attacking you slide backwards. You yowled as you ran towards them, teeth bared. You grasped their throat in your jaws. Lightly enough that it wouldn't kill them, but enough that there would be a wound.

Brokenstar dropped to the ground as you released him. You flicked your tail. You were used to winning in your training sessions against him. You fought against Brokensar enough that you knew what his next move would be almost always. Whenever you went to slash his flank, for example, he would dart out of the way then claw at yours. Eventually, you'd learned how to combat against it.

Brokenstar, however, was not used to losing. He never gave you a compliment, which, of course, was expected in the Dark Forest, even when you beat him time and time again. Not that you wanted some kind of reward, but an occasional, "good job," never hurt anyone. It's fine, though. I get enough encouragement from Hawkfrost.

          That much was true. Ever since you'd had the vision of his death, Hawkfrost had known something wasn't right. You weren't avoiding him or anything, but you hadn't been as focused lately. You'd even missed a fish once when it had swam right in front of your paws. But Hawkfrost hadn't told anyone, of course. He just took it as a sign that something was wrong. And it is. It was killing you that you couldn't tell him what.

          Brokenstar's sneering voice cut through your thoughts. "Are we here to sleep, (Y/N)? Or are we going to train?" You rolled your eyes. "I don't know. It depends on if you want to wake up and fight anytime soon." You felt a flicker of triumph when Brokenstar's eyes flashed briefly with rage. It was easy, and sometimes fun, to annoy him. Even Tigerstar did it sometimes. You just wanted to be sure you were on his side in battle, or you could get your ears clawed off.

          You watched as Brokenstar sprang forward, claws extended. You sighed. This is getting too easy. You bounced a few mouse-lengths to the side, watching as he skidded to a halt once he hit the ground. You gave him a second to stand up again, which only made him more angry. Inwardly, you thought to yourself, it's like outsmarting an angered kit. But you'd never tell him that. You'd get more than only your ears clawed off at that remark.

          Brokenstar ran towards you, his eyes headed towards your shoulder. However, his arm was slightly extended in an odd way, so you could tell that he wasn't headed towards your shoulder. You jumped to the right as he clawed at empty air. Frustrated, he reared, lunging for your spine. You rolled onto your back as he came down. You knew it was risky, but you didn't care. Any injury you could possibly get from this place you had already gotten, from a tick bite to a gash so close to your eye that if you had moved even a little, you would be half-blind.

You extended your claws, your legs swinging up to slash at Brokenstar. He winced as he landed, giving you a brief moment to muster up the strength to throw him to the side. The cats in the Dark Forest may not eat, but the constant training built muscle, which over time weighed a lot. That could be useful, or it could be dangerous.

Brokenstar landed on the ground with a thud. To your amazement, he laid there for a second, catching his breath, before standing back up again. Your whiskers twitched in amusement. He's getting tired. You could see exhaustion in his eyes, but you ignored it. If he wanted to stop, he would say to stop. You shook out your pelt, getting ready for another fight, when you saw a shape emerge from the bushes on the far side of the clearing.

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