No Turning Back

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The almost-full moon glowed above, the dark night sky glittering with stars. Somewhere overhead, an owl hooted and a fox barked in the distance. You let your claws sink into the soft grass, littered with fallen leaves and twigs.

The day had seemed as if it wouldn't end. Every chance you got to rest, Mistyfoot would put you on another patrol. It was almost as if she had been punishing you for something you didn't do. Something she suspected, but couldn't be sure of.

Like being with Hawkfrost, you thought with a wince. The two of you had spent the entire day strategically avoiding each other, except once when you had been dragging a huge trout to camp and you had accidentally bumped into him. He had helped you carry it back, earning you distrustful glances from a few Clanmates, including Leopardstar.

A rustle in the bushes snapped you out of your thoughts. Please don't be another fox! You panicked, sniffing the air, but all you could smell was your own fear-scent. You slid out your claws, preparing to fight off whatever came out of the bush.

What you didn't expect, however, was for Mothwing to appear. Silently, you thanked StarClan as you let your fur lie flat. "What are you doing here?" Mothwing's gaze darted around nervously as if she were afraid something was watching her.

Finally, she answered you. "I know that you're meeting with Hawkfrost in secret so the Clan doesn't know." Her gaze searched yours as she seemingly looked for a trace of guilt or fear, but you were only confused.

"So?" You flicked your ear. "It's not like it's against the Warrior Code or something."

Mothwing sighed in annoyance. "Don't you see? My brother is dangerous. Some things he can drag you into are things you shouldn't know. Things you could get in trouble for doing." She glanced around again. "Things that could kill you."

You wanted to ask what she meant, but she whipped around and darted back through the bushes. Well, that was odd...

You continued towards the spot that Hawkfrost told you to meet him at that morning, trying to get the sudden meeting with Mothwing out of your head.

You finally reached the spot a little after moonhigh, surprised to see Hawkfrost already waiting for you. His icy gaze was fixed on the spot you appeared through even before you padded into his sight. It's like he knew where I was the whole time... I wonder if he saw my encounter with Mothwing.

If he did, he didn't mention it. "(Y/N)! There you are! I was getting worried you wouldn't show up." He padded over to you, running his muzzle along your jaw. You returned the greeting by quickly licking his ear.

"So what did you call me here for?" You sat on a patch of soft grass, wrapping your tail around your paws. Hawkfrost sat next to you, leaning against your flank.

He seemed to search for his words before he spoke. "Remember about a half-moon ago when I had that huge scratch across my muzzle?" You nodded. It had been a deep gash running from right by his nose all the way to beside his eye. Nobody had known where he'd gotten it, and he claimed it was from a fox, even though nobody had found any fox scent near the territory. Until last night, you reminded yourself.

"Well," he continued, "remember also how this morning I told you there are dangerous cats who could attack you?" You nodded again, asking, "The dead ones, right?" "Yes, the dead ones." Hawkfrost flicked his tail. "I train with them. Every night. And when I get injured, the injury appears when I'm awake."

          Now you were really confused. "When you're awake? Does that mean you're asleep when you train?" Hawkfrost had the amused look from earlier in his eyes. "You sound like a kit." He purred, wrapping his tail around you. "But yes. It's a kind of dream, but it's real." He paused, thinking for a moment. "It's like, I fall asleep and I go to another place, so I'm not really sleeping, but my body here looks like it is. So it's possible to be woken up." He looked at you. "Get it?"

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