How Do You Really Feel?

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Y/N = Your name (Y/A/N = your apprentice name, and so forth.)

I'll insert things like "O.C. Fur" or "O.C. Eye color" in places where you need to insert these things.


          A cold breeze blew over the edge of the lake, half-frozen in the leaf-bare chill. Silently, you sat still, hoping some fish would be stupid enough to swim by where you sat on the shoreline, but none came.

It had been half a moon since your incident with the trap, and you were recovering quickly. The ring around your tail hadn't fully gone away, but the (O.C. Fur) fur on your tail-tip was slowly growing back. Your voice had fully come back the day after you'd found out Mothwing and Hawkfrost's secret, Hawkfrost constantly watching you as if to make sure you didn't tell anyone.

I don't know why he's so worried, you thought, sighing. I wouldn't betray him—or any of my clanmates— that easily. I don't even know what they're doing it for. For all I know it was a quest sent from StarClan, and by telling Leopardstar I'd be ruining it.

A fish rose to the surface, breaking you out of your thoughts. Instinctively, you shot out your paw, claws unsheathed, and snatched it out of the water. It flailed anxiously, but you snapped its spine on a rock and it went limp. Satisfied, you grabbed the plump golden-colored fish in your jaws and turned around. Hawkfrost lay on his paws further up the bank, and you couldn't tell if he was watching you or the water.

Narrowing your eyes, you started towards him, setting the heavy fish down to retrieve it later. When he didn't break his gaze away, you walked faster, your paws setting lightly in the sandy terrain.

"Hawkfrost, what are you doing here?" The words came out before you could stop them.

    Sitting up, his powerful muscles rippled under his fur. His gaze didn't leave you. He sat silently for a moment, then spoke.

"I'm watching you." He replied dismissively.


"Need I say that you have the complete power to exile Mothwing and I if you were to tell Leopardstar what you heard?" His icy eyes narrowed, burning into yours.

You shifted uncomfortably, turning your gaze to anything but his. "I already told you, I'm not telling anyone." You looked back up at him, only to see an unreadable expression in his eyes.

"Why would you do that?" He remained unreadable.

You sighed, exasperated. "I told you! I trust you and Mothwing to make the right decision!" You turned to pad back to the shoreline to retrieve your prey, but Hawkfrost curled his tail around your neck, causing you to stop. You stood planted to the spot, frozen, as he curled slowly around you, his warm fur gently brushing yours, until he finally stopped right in front of you, his breath on your face as he looked down, daring you to meet his gaze. You closed your eyes.

"No, I think there's more to it than that." He breathed the words into your ear, causing your fur to stand on end. "I think there's much more." He didn't move, and you could feel his stare burning into your closed eyelids.

Not knowing how to respond, you turned around again, only to have Hawkfrost slowly pad to that side, blocking your path.

"You have a choice here, (Y/N). You can tell me right now the real reason you don't want to tell any cat, or you can continue having me watch you constantly, making sure you don't tell. Trusting me can either give you a lot of trouble, or it won't." He was now less than a whisker-length away. "It's your choice."

Hawkfrost X Reader (Female biased)Where stories live. Discover now