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Y/N = Your name (Y/A/N = your apprentice name, and so forth.)

I'll insert things like "O.C. Fur" or "O.C. Eye color" in places where you need to insert these things.

           Pain shot through your tail as you yowled for help. You struggled to free yourself, but remembered suddenly that you'd been told not to struggle, or the trap would only get tighter.

          Silently, you prayed to StarClan that some cat could hear you. You could feel the blood pouring out of the wound and knew that you were as trapped as prey between a cat's claws if a fox were to appear. Wincing, you forced yourself to stay calm and think for a moment.

          Out of options, you decided one last attempt at getting a nearby patrol's attention; at this point, it didn't matter what Clan came to your aid. You needed to stay in one piece no matter what.

          Suddenly, you scented your Clan's medicine cat, Mothwing, nearby. You yowled once again, convinced that she could hear you.

          StarClan, if you can hear me, please help!

          You began to fall into unconsciousness. The last thing you remembered was Mothwing shoving her way through the bushes towards you, her eyes lighting up in fear as she darted back in the direction of camp, screeching frantically, as pain seared through everything in you.


          Your blood pulsed through your ears as you attempted to adjust your eyes to the dim light of the medicine den. As you began to sit up, your front legs buckled beneath you, causing you to plummet back to the soft nest below.

          "(Y/N)! You're awake!" Mothwing hurried in your direction, moss dripping in her jaws. "Here, have a drink. You must be dehydrated. You've been asleep for around 2 days now."

            You gratefully lapped at the moss. You attempted to speak, but only a wheeze came out in reply.

          "Oh, don't try to talk. You woke occasionally, and when you did, you were screeching and yowling. Your voice is going to be sore. It's okay though, because you'll most likely be fine after you've been awake for a while."

          You momentarily wanted to ask what most likely meant, but knew it would do no good to try. Reluctantly, you slowly pushed yourself up to your paws, shaking. Mothwing hurried to your side, but you grunted in signal for her to stay away.

          Once you stood, you turned to inspect your tail. Instantly, you regretted it.

          The fur on the end had been torn off so you could see bare skin, and there was a thick ring of dried blood where it used to be. Your whole tail was matted and dirty, but as you turned to clean it, you screeched as a sharp needle of pain stabbed up your tail and back, sending waves of sharpness through your whole body. With a jerk, you collapsed back onto the ground.

           "(Y/N)!" Mothwing darted to catch your scruff but was too late as you flopped to the ground, whimpering. Your eyes burned in embarrassment. Warriors don't cry, you scolded yourself.

          As Mothwing half-guided half-dragged you back to your nest, a dark frame appeared in the entrance. His icy eyes burned through the gentle flicker of the now-rising sun, his snowy chest fur glowing in the light. Hawkfrost. His gaze raked darkly over Mothwing, then turned to you.

Hawkfrost X Reader (Female biased)Where stories live. Discover now