I shrug not wanting to admit that my concern for her was building by the hour.

"Zak?" Katy speaks making me crane my head back to the house.


"Did you pack all your inhalers?"

I smile slightly seeing the old katy "Yeah, I have them."

"Okay.. Hey what time does Nick's flight land? We should be at the airport by now right?" She asks.

I see Bacon straighten up slowly and look between myself and Katy. "Dude.."

"Don't." I warn him.

"He's not coming on this one. Get your bag." I encourage making her nod and disappear.

I sigh and lean against the RV rubbing my face. "Fuck man. I don't know what to do."

"Maybe getting her out the house will help? You know, routine with work, maybe it will click into place?" He suggests.

"Maybe.." I trail off.


Maybe that was key to getting Katy in the right frame of mind as I watch her sleep on the bed. She had curled up as soon as she got on the RV and had been fast asleep since. Through a fear, I had been checking on her every few minutes, from putting my finger under her nose, to checking her pulse and even checking her temperature with the back of my hand.

"Dude.. You're going to put yourself in an early grave." Bacon spoke as I sat back down in the passenger seat and looked back at her.

"I know.. I just. I can't stop the worry."

"You're going to have to, if you wanna work." Bacon responded.

"For once, work is the last thing on my mind." I replied looking back to Katy again.


After 13 solid hours of driving and checking on Katy, we pull into a diner in Wolf Creek, Oregon.

Seeing Dakota, Aaron, Billy and Jay, I begin to worry about Katy as she sits on the couch with headphones in. I knew then I should have text one of them with what has been happening, but the idea of Billy being on my case as well as Katy's, led me to the decision of just keeping quiet..

I stand up and head over to her, removing the earphone gently from her ear. "Want some food?"

She thinks about it before smiling "Yeah. Hey are we here now?"

"Absolutely, the crew is outside."

She grins and ditches her phone into her bag before following after me as I open the door.

As soon as we step off, Katy grabs my elbow and looks around us "Where are we?"


"Right.. Hey Aaron is from Oregon too."

"That's right."

She smiles and trails off greeting the team as I follow, my eyes catch Billy's as he narrows his glare at me before heading inside the diner.

7 of us are sat around a table in the centre of the diner, all chatting amongst ourselves as we wait for our food, Katy had been talking to Dakota with excitement and he seemed to make her laugh quiet alot. Whilst I was grateful, I was also becoming jealous as she completely ignored my tries at talking to her, in favour of speaking about some show both Katy and Dakota watch.

Waitresses appear with our food setting them down on the table and giving us all a friendly smile before leaving us. My eyes look to Katy who's head is cocked to the side watching one waitress that had put my food down and gave me a wink. Despite her indepth conversation with Dakota, Katy had picked up on that.

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