The Chief's Secret

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Chang Min

Joon Young was going to see him during the Lady's Trial as who he really was, the crowned prince.

Chang Min knew it was going to happen eventually, but he needed more time. The prince always thought he liked being alone, staying in the library by himself and in his own head all day. But since he met Joon Young, it just wasn't the same anymore. He enjoyed Joon Young's company even if the boy was annoyed by the prince and outwardly told him, like their status hadn't matter to him. But if he knew Chang Min was the prince, everything about the strange, little eunuch would change. He wouldn't dare talk without the prince's permission, playfully slap him, or stomp away from him bellowing curses. Even if the prince told him he could do as he liked, acted as he please, he knew the boy would be too afraid of the power and importance behind his title. He wouldn't be Joon Young... but just another servant. 

After sending Joon Young away with the clue of how the prince might have taken a walk to one of his classes, Chang Min marched back to his room and ordered the guards not to alert Byhung- ho of his arrival. They paled at his command, knowing the lecture they'll get from the old eunuch. 

"Don't worry I'll explain later to him, and get a someone to bring in... Choi Bok Hee, he works in the bakery... the one who brings me my breakfast tarts," The prince ordered, vaguely remembering the fat eunuch. 

The guards stared at each other at a loss a words until Chang Min quirked his eyebrows which got them back to their senses and then rushed to find Pang. 

Moments later, while Chang Min paced around his room, his mind whirling with ideas as to how he can extend this time with Joon Young as Sung Min, the chief of guards. Finally, the doors swung open and there on his hands and knees was Pang, looking like the overstuff rat he seen last time. He was quivering with his head bow and hands pressed to the ground. Chang Min motioned for the guards to close the doors and at the sound of it clicking shut, Pang's whole body shook.

"Your Highness!" The eunuch screeched, "It was an accident, I didn't mean to eat one your tarts. I'm so sorry, please forgive me!"

Chang Min rolled his eyes at the weeping lump of blubber on his floor.  

"Pang," The prince hissed. 

Cautiously as if he was a turtle coming out of his shell, the fat eunuch looked up to meet his gaze. The sight of relief was evident in his posture as he sag to the floor like ice cream on hot concrete. 

"Chief, it's you," he sighed, "And... what I said about the tarts...I was expecting the crowned prince." 

"Then you're expectation does not fail you," Chang Min grumbled, his hands to his back. 

The eunuch got up to his feet, wiping non existing dust from his uniform," What does that mean?"

The prince cleared his throat and looked sternly into Pang's beady eyes that was mostly covered by his cheeks," I, Lee Chang Min, am the crowned prince of Korea, the beloved son of Kaesong, and the heir to the throne," He declared, adding a much not needed dramatic flare. 

Chang Min expected the eunuch to coward and fall to his knees but instead the oaf laughed, a genuine laughter that shook his shoulders and made tears in his eyes. After a whole minute of that nonsense he finally let out a sigh," Yes chief, and I'm the King of Thailand, the lover of bread, and the one they call He's not Fat just Big Boned." 

The prince's cheeks were bright crimson, but he pushed back the mounting embarrassment to continued on with his plans," It's a waste of time explaining to you but today Joon Young will be under my service. I can get him away from my morning preparation, but during the Lady's Trial he'll be there to assist Byhung-ho. I want you to distract him."

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