Part 14- you

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Stephanie's POV

My annoying alarm goes off but today's the day we leave for tour!! The first stop is tomorrow in New York! I peel myself from my oh so comfy bed that's i will heavily miss, and start getting ready. I already packed my clothes and essentials except for my makeup and shit. I put on some black sweats, a black ripped sweater and black snap back. I put on some messy makeup and packed the rest of my shit and brought it down stairs.

I grabbed my bass, amps, extra strings, tuner and other shit I need. I also packed a back pack with my money, laptop and my numerous chargers. "Hey Steph you ready?" My dad asked when I came down for the last time. "Yeah when's the *mystery band* coming?" I asked setting my 3rd bag down. "Hmm they should be here in 5, and rem and seb will be here soon as well." My dad said with a smile and pocket watch in his large hand. A honk came from outside and I squealed excited who we are touring with.

I ran out side and almost jumped out of my skin. "Stephanie?"

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