Part 3- the band

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Stephanie's POV

"I don't feel quite right there's something in the air out tonight." I sang tuning my bass on my bed. We have band practice in an hour.
"Hey steph!" My dad said walking in. "Hey dad, how's it going." "Ah good, so me and your mother are going out tonight." "Ah okay have fun." I said going back to my bass. "Okay there's money on the counter and if you need anything call us." He said kissing my head. "Okay love you." I said, as he walked out.

*band practice*

"Hey guys!" I hummed as I walked into the garage full of boys. "Hey." They all replied, except my brother. Yes I'm in a band with my brother. I plugged my bass into my amp and strummed a little bit. My brothers the singer most the time, but sometimes I sing. My best friend Chris is the drummer. I am the bassist. Lastly My brothers friend Ronnie is the guitar player.

"So what song are we playing, homie G!" I yelled making everyone cringe immediately as I giggled. "A) don't say homie G, and b) we are playing death die." Chris said doing some weird ass tricks with his sticks. "Okie dokie." I said strumming a bit to get started.

*the next day*

"Stephhhhh get upppp you lazy bitch!" My annoying brother said shaking me. I grabbed my pillow and sacked him on the face. I giggle at his annoyed expression. "Never waking you up again." He said flipping me off as he exited. Well then. I hopped up and brushed my crazy red hair. "I'm to lazy for makeup." I hummed to myself and put on one of my dads old band hoodies from his band years and years ago. I paired it with a black and white striped crop top and black high waisted skinny's. I put my hair in a "don't give two shits bun" and headed out the door. I am going to take the bus today because I don't feel like driving with my brother.

I walked to the bus stop and pulled out one of my dads philosophy books. Reading his old mind is interesting and brilliant. "Emerson Barrett advent society volume 5 good read." A guy said and I looked up. "Uh yeah." I said continuing to read. "I've met him before interesting dude and great drummer." I finally looked up and mother lord is he gorgeous. "Uh-h me too." I nervously said. "He's um my dad." I said afterward. "Wait your Stephanie kropp?!" I nodded awkwardly, how could a gorgeous boy with blue eyes and gorgeous long black somewhat wavy hair. "I've heard about you but never have seen pictures. I am Nikki biersack." He said extending his hand. "Ah you must be Andy's kid nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand.

"So where you heading?" He asked getting on the bus after me. "School." I said sitting down as he sat beside. "Oh what school?" He asked with a smile. "Johnnyalter." "Really?! I'm transferring there today that why I'm taking the bus!" He said very enthusiastic, which was cute. He did get his dads looks. Same nose, eyebrows and he had a nose ring, but he had hims moms jawline. I'm not complaining he was hot. "Oh cool I could show you around?" "Really thatd be amazing!" He said hugging me. He even sounded like his dad which was weird but what ever. 

I wonder if Nikki has a girlfriend, not that I care... I just met the dude. Omg stfu brain.

"This is our stop." I hummed awkwardly. "Uh yeah" he said following me off the bus. "So don't you have a sister?" I asked breaking the silence. "Oh yeah I do but she's still in middle school." He said with a warm smile. "Though she acts and looks a lot older." He chuckled. "Ah girl siblings always look older. Take me for instance I'm younger than my brother and I look two years older." I said walking into the large school. "True." He said looking around. "Well here's the front see you around." I said giving him a wave. "Thanks bye!" He said with a sad but warm smile.

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