Part 9 - my sweetness

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Stephanie's POV

It's been a few weeks and school is going good. Haha no I meant to say was me and Nikki are going good. He's taken me on a few dates mostly to the movies. Tonight he's taking me somewhere, that I have no idea, but he said casual.

I left my already natural curly red hair be free so hair never takes me anytime. I did my makeup like my fathers, red,gold, and black eye shadow and added some winged eye liner. I put on some black lipstick and put on my fathers old top hat. He gave it to me for my 13th birthday. I put on a marching band jacket, a white crop top, black leggings, and black velvet pikes. Huh it's only 5:30 I have a half an hour. I turned on family guy giggling and the dumbness at the show but was it entertaining.

"STEPHANIE NIKKI IS HERE!" I believe my brother yelled from down stairs. I grabbed my cute bat purse and put my wallet, extra makeup, phone and a book. It sounds funny but I hate going places without a book. I ran down our stairs and Nikki was dressed in a black button up shirt, black jeans, pikes like me, and his makeup done slightly. "You look stunning." He said with a huge smile. No doubt about it I blushed hard. "Thank you." I said sheepishly. "Shall we get going?" He asked taking my hand and gave it a squeeze. I nodded leading him out of the door. "Bye mom bye dad see ya TWATWAFFLE!" I yelled laughing my ass off. I closed the door and Nikki gave me a weird look. "Urm what's a twatwaffle?" He asked confused. "Well it's another word for idiot, I juts honk it sounds funny." I said giggling. He shrugged his shoulders and we headed to his car.

I opened my eyes and saw a carnival. Unlike my dad I loved carnivals, but I don't like theme parks. I jumped out of the car and walked toward the open gate. "Nikki hurry up." I said thrill humming through my voice. He laughed and caught up with me. "I can tell you love it." He said giving me a sweet smile. I kissed him passionately and nodded. He blushed and took my hand and we started walking in.

"MAKE IT STOP!" Nikki cried on the roller coaster, hiding his face in my shoulder. I giggled at his dorky ness. "Oh come on Nikki it's not so bad." I said giggling. "YES IT IS IM GOING TO DiE." He said screeching at the last part as the last drop came into play and the ride soon stopped. The gate opened and are harnesses were lifted off and I've never seen a man run to fast. "Nikki!" I said running after him. He stopped and I caught up to him. "You *wheeze* are *wheeze* f-" I said but he kissed me, then all over my face. "Nikki!" I screeched but giggling at the same time. "I thought I was going to die!" He exclaimed. "You don't know how much a love you!" He said hugging me. He loves me? I released the hug. "You love me?" I said tears in my eyes. He blushed and scratched his neck. "Well yeah, how can I not love you..?" He said sheepishly. I kissed him and smiled from ear to ear. "I love you too!" I said hugging him. He kissed my forehead and I couldn't be happier!

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