Part 4- damn uncles

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Stephanie's POV

I rolled down the hallways heading to music first, excited for class because my uncles. I wonder how Nikki's doing. Eh whatever. "Hey uncle rem!" I said walking into the small blue and black walled classroom. He looked up from his phone and smiled "Hey Stephanie, how's it going??" He said getting up from his chair. "I'm good." I said hugging him. "I'm offended!" Sebastian screeched walking into the classroom. He's such a drama queen.

I let go of rem and hugged Sebastian. "Uncle Sebastian you're such a sassy lil shit!" I said giggling. "Oh I know." He said letting go of the hug and flipping his hair (the same hair cut he's had since before I was born). "Fucking weird." Remington mumble. "How old are you guys, because your acting like your teens!" I said sitting down because students were now entering. They both rolled their eyes and sat down.

My eyes drifted to the door and saw Nikki's bright blue eyes. "Oh hey Stephanie!" He said with a smile. "Hey I didn't know you were in this class." I said as he took the empty seat beside me. "I didn't either they just stuck me in it." "Cool" I said with a smile. Honestly another non Fuchs in a class with me could be fun. I think I was blushing, because she was wiggling his eyebrows at me and rem gave me a lovey dicey look mocking me. I rolled my eyes and flipped them off. Sebastian acted offended and looked hurt. The bell rang and class started. This is going to be a long class.

*After class*

And I was right it was long af with my uncles annoying me to death with questions as they "helped me" with my assignment. But hey just wanted to pester me. Nikki said bye as he walked the other way from my next class. My uncles have permission to go to any classes they want (I don't understand why they're useless asses!) which sucks but what can you do. I ran to class desperately trying to get away from Remington. He wanted to join me in class and since it's math I gladly tried to refuse. He's fucking shit at math. I went on tour a year ago with them and he asked me what 150x4 was. Me god.

Sadly I didn't loose Remington but he was good company to have threw a boring hour. We talked about their upcoming tour next summer, and he wants me to be the merch girl because the tour is with falling in reverse. I honestly love fir, and Ronnie is a nice dude. His daughter is rad as well.

*after school*

I waited at the bus stop scrolling on my phone looking at new posts from my uncles and parents and peeps. My uncle rem posted a selfie of my in him during math. Oh god I look gross! The one day I didn't wear makeup. "Hey!" A voice said, and of course I jumped because Nikki came out of bloody fucking nowhere! "God don't do that!" I said smacking him in the chest as he chuckled. "I couldn't resist, what were you looking at?" He said with a smirk. I showed him my phone. "Oh yeah it was super cool your uncles teach music." "Oh yeah so cool!" I said sarcastically. Nikki laughed, and the bus showed up. Yay fasted I get home the fasted I get FOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!

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