15; Sorry

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{Takes place in Alexandria againnnn}
We have been in Alexandria for a while but I'm still not very fond of the other kids. I was always sticking around Carl but whenever he was gone I would stay inside and read a comic or something. Today was one of those days where I was alone so I sat on the edge of my bed and sighed. I wonder what Carl is up to right now. I put my elbows on my knees, holding my face up. I blew a piece of hair out of my face and stared at the dresser in front of me. I wish he was here. I'm so boreddd. I looked around and at the clock. It's only 2:30? I grunted. I wish today would go by faster but of course not. I got up and checked on Judith. "Hi baby girl!" I said in a cooing voice. She smiled and laughed. I picked her up and started bouncing her up and down on my knee. "Are you bored to? Big brother Carl is out right now." She wrapped her tiny hand around my index finger and I couldn't help but tear up a little at it. I decided to put her in her stroller and walk around a bit. I went downstairs and outside where I unfolded the stroller. I set her down in it and crouched a little. It was kind of sunny so I put down the little sun blinder down a little so it wouldn't hurt her. I walked looking around. Wow. I never really got a good look at this place. It's beautiful! I smiled, enjoying how everything was intact and happy. People were everywhere and it made me kind of uncomfortable but I tried to ignore the feeling. I noticed there was a pond that had a bench so I decided to go over there and sit.. that was until I saw Carl and Enid sitting there. I tried walking away slowly so they wouldn't notice me but they did of course. "Y/N! What's up?" Carl said standing up. Enid followed with him. I turned a little to face them and put on a fake smile. "I- um decided to take baby Judith here on a little walk!" I lifted the shader and under it was a smiling Judith. "Awww! She's so cute!" Enid said. I picked up Judith and walked her over. I put her in Enid's arms and after a second she started crying. Holding in my laughter, I took Judith and comforted her. Enid and I don't really like each other so any time we could get at each other's throats we would take the chance. After a second Judith calmed down and I set her back down in the stroller. "I should probably take her back and feed her or something." I said about to leave but then Enid had to open her mouth. "Aren't you going to say good bye?" She said holding out her arms. She looked at me evilly and I knew exactly what she was doing. I gritted my teeth and tried to come up with an excuse. "I would love to, really, but at the moment I am really sick." I said and fake coughed. "No worries!" She said smiling and came over to me squeezing me. I put my arms around her and she dug her nails into my sides. "Don't you ever cut into Carl and I's time again. Do you hear me?" I tilted my head to the side in aggravation and before I could answer she pushed me off of her. I almost fell but was able to keep my balance. I looked over at Carl who was looking down at his boots and Enid walking back over to him. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, shaking my head in irritation. Thanks Carl really. I said in my head as I pushed Judith back to the house.


I laid in bed with my hands behind my head, looking up at the ceiling. Un-fucking-believable. I lost my friend to that thing. I felt like punching a wall but I kept my temper down. I rolled to my side towards my closet and sat there for what seemed like forever. Bad thoughts were racing through my mind. I came to a conclusion. I'm just never going to leave this house ever again. Even so I'm still screwed because I'm stuck with him. I rolled my eyes again. Friends for over five years. Developed a crush on this guy because of how amazing he is just for him to turn into a douche in 0.5 seconds. I heard the door swing open downstairs. "We're home!" I heard Michonne yell and I got up and went down stairs. "Hey." I said sitting at the counter that was by the kitchen. "Where's Carl?" Rick asked. "I don't know. Haven't seen him all day." Whoops. He looked confused "maybe he's with the other kids again." I looked at the clock 6:45. I put my hands on my neck and sighed. I want to go back to my room. I thought. I swear I'm not this anti-social most of the time. I'm just tired of having to put up with others people bull shit. Wait a second. I was interrupted in the midst of my thoughts by Carl coming in. This is my que. adíos. I ran upstairs and got back in bed. I wish I could stay here all day. Well I mean I can but then I get bored and then I wanna get up and- "dinners ready." I turned in bed and there was Carl. I rolled my eyes. "Be down in a minute." I said turning back. "I don't know what your problem is but I didn't do anything to you." I decided not to fight back but just stay silent and hope he would eventually give up which he did but it took him a minute. I went down a few minutes later. "And she arrives." Rick said in a goofy, but rather fancy voice. Michonne set down my plate and I sat down. Everyone was talking and I just sat there playing with my food. "Something wrong Y/N?" I looked over and shrugged. "Not hungry I guess." I looked down at my plate which was still full of veggies and pork. "If you at least finish your vegetables you can go back up to your room." She said a little more concerned. I nodded and did so. When I finished she excused me and I laid in bed facing my closet again deep in thought. After a while I decided to get dressed. I didn't notice that my door was slightly creaked open and I took my shirt off, seeing the nail marks in my sides. "Damn it." I said under my breath and just threw on a comfy shirt.

Carl's P.O.V
I was with Enid all day and we hung out by the pond. Y/N came by and Enid and her were acting all weird. I didn't really pay much attention to this noticing they're always like that. I didn't get home till late and we had dinner a little later than usual. Y/N was acting off and as soon as I came in she took off. Did I do something wrong? I shook my head and continued on. My dad told me to get her so I went upstairs. She was staring at her closet curled up into a little ball. "Dinners ready." I said and she turned to me and rolled her eyes. I got a little mad by this. "Be down in a minute." She said, facing her closet again. "I don't know what your problem is but I didn't do anything to you." I said and lingered a bit. After a while I walked back downstairs. She came down a couple of minutes later and everyone teased her which made her visibly even more irritated. She didn't touch her food until Michonne told her to eat and then she would let her go. As soon as she finished her vegetables she took off back to her room. I stayed a little longer visiting with Michonne and my dad and then left to go to bed. As I passed Y/Ns room I noticed her door was creaked open so I stopped to check on her. She was getting ready for bed and took off her shirt. I blushed but noticed something on her sides. Nail marks? From a walker or a human? I started to freak out. I was afraid I was going to lose my best friend and even worst I haven't been spending time with her anymore. Is that what I did to her? Not be with her as much as I used to? Is that why she's gone? She threw on a shirt and was starting to go to her bed when I pushed the door open. She looked over then back down.

"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." She said getting into bed.
"No your not Y/N. Tell me the truth."
"I don't feel comfortable. We're not as close as we used to be."
"How so?"
"You left me."
"What do you mean?"
"Your always with Enid now."
I got in bed with her and I wrapped my arms around her. She wiped away tears and stared at her closet.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine, I like being alone."
"Yea but I don't want you to be alone. I want to be there for you."
"I know I wasn't before but I'm here now."
I pulled up her shirt a little and ran my thumb down her waist where the marks were.
"What happened?"
She shivered at my touch. "Nothing." She said and pulled her shirt back down.
"Don't lie to me Y/N. What happened?"
She gave in "Enid."
I looked at her in shock. "When?"
"Earlier today when I saw you guys. She hugged me and told me to stay away from you two so I did."
My face softened and I pulled her closer. I pecked her neck and put my head above hers.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine."
"No it's not and I'm sorry."
"Stop saying that your sorry."
"Sorry." We both chuckled. She faced me and put her head to my chest.
"I miss you. Like, a lot." She said, her hot breath against my chest.
"I miss you too. A lot."
"Then why did you leave?"
I paused for a second then shook my head.
"I don't know. I'm stupid for doing that though. I lost what was most important to me and I didn't see that."
She looked up at me "You almost lost what was most important to you."
"You don't realize how much you miss someone until you leave." I said crying.
"Oh nonononono don't cry. It's okay we're okay." She wiped my tears away and smiled this time it wasn't fake. I pulled her closer.
"I'm sorry." She gave me a look and we laughed together again.
"I don't ever want to let go again." I said Blatantly. "You don't have to."

1870 words
Sorry I didn't know how to end this one 😂

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