2; The start of something new pt 2

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We walked outside and it looked beautiful. Sunny but not to hot and kind of overcast. I loved rain and storms because the clouds look so pretty. As we were walking I looked around amazed until I saw Carl with Enid. I'll admit that I'm kind of jealous of them because they seem closer in a more not so friendly way. Michonne must've noticed because she looked worried. "Are you ok Y/N?" I sighed. "Y-yea I'm fine." I kind of whispered the last part. If Carl did choose to be with Enid I would fully respect that because he's my best friend and I wouldn't let their relationship get in the way of that but just thinking of that just pains me. We started driving out and I leaned on the door with my elbow, looking out the window. Michonne started rubbing my back. "Boys will be boys." She said.

-Michonnes P.O.V-
Y/N is still moping around from earlier. I rubbed her back saying "Boys will be boys." We arrived at a small neighborhood and started looting the houses for anything useful like food, water, clothes, med supplies, guns, etc. we also had a list of things people needed or wanted if we happen to come across it. I had an idea so I suggested it to Y/N. "Hey you know, if you really don't want to have to deal with him we can just complete the list slower or hang around and finish the list tomorrow so it at least gives you an extra day?" She nodded in reply. "Yes please."

-your P.O.V-
I didn't know what time it was but i could tell it was the middle of night. We made it home and I looked at the clock. "10:30." I sighed. I said goodnight and thank you to Michonne and got ready for bed. I changed into comfy clothes and brushed my hair and teeth. As I made my way to my room I couldn't help but stop by Carl's room because it was slightly open. I don't know how long he's been asleep but I didn't care at the moment. I kissed him on the forehead and said goodnight. I quietly shut his door and was face to face with a smirking Michonne. "Shut it." I said smiling and left to my room.
When I woke up I got ready and a tired Carl came stumbling out of his room stretching and rubbing his eyes. His shirt pulled up a bit and I turned a little, blushing. "Morning Y/N" he said in his morning voice. He smiled so I put on a smile. "Morning Carl." I went down stairs and got a bowl of cereal because I'm definitely not going scavenging with no food. Michonne came down stairs a few minutes later baring a question I really didn't feel like answering.

-Carl's P.O.V-
Y/N seemed off this morning. I told her good morning and she smiled and said good morning quietly but like I could tell she was fake smiling because we've been friends for so long. I know I know it's so cheesy but it's true! She wasn't being her happy self. After Y/N left I went to check on my dad. "Y/N and Michonne are going on another run because they didn't finish their list." They didn't finish? "But that's unlike them." I said. He shrugged and I decided to investigate further. When Michonne came out of the bathroom I asked her. "You guys are going on another run?" She looked at me "um, yea we never finished the list..." she was acting suspicious. "I want to go with."

-Michonnes P.O.V-
"I want to go with." Carl said. I bit my lip. Y/N isn't going to like this. "I'd have to ask her." I said and he looked at me weird but I left to find Y/N. "Hey." I said sitting next to her. "I have a question for you that you might not want to answer." She looked at me worried but listened. "Can Carl go with us?" I asked. She shrugged "I guess." I went upstairs and told Carl some good news. "Go get ready because your coming with us."

-Your P.O.V-
They walked downstairs ready to go. "Ready?" Michonne asked. I stood up slowly "yea let me grab my bag real quick."  I went upstairs and got my bag and put a few more things it in and looked in the mirror to see if I looked okay. Here we go I thought, preparing myself.
We made it to a small shopping centre because we need medical supplies and other things from these stores. Carl and Michonne kept pace but I was kind of far behind them, dragging my feet and looking down.

-Carl's P.O.V-
Y/N was far behind but I was talking to Michonne about her so at the moment I was kind of glad she was back there so she doesn't hear. "I don't know what I did. Y/Ns been kind of... distant like you literally had to ask if I could come with." She looked at the ground and then at me. " I don't know if I should be telling you right now but she saw you and Enid and got kind of jealous." Jealous? Why? Of me and Enid? "She was jealous?" Michonne bit her lip and nodded. "Why?" I asked but didn't get the answer I was looking for. "I should let her tell you. Its, Not fair of me too." I am so confused right now.
A little later we got to the center of the shopping place and Michonne turned to us with a plan. "You guys go to the Pharmacy and get medicine and other things I'm going to look around for the rest of this." And with that we split up.

-Michonnes P.O.V-
I let them go off to the Pharmacy alone because I know they needed it. Y/N looked at me but I shrugged. It's been way too long and she needs to just do it and she knows that's why I made her go with him.

-Your P.O.V-
I know I'm being stupid being distant because of a friend ship but I can't help it. Love makes you do crazy things and this is just another bump in the road that I'll get over. Michonne put Carl and I together and I knew exactly why and to justify what I was thinking she winked at me as we left. We made it in the Pharmacy and I started grabbing a bunch of pill bottles from the back while Carl was in the front. I sighed. We haven't talked ever since Michonne sent us off and honestly, I'm stressing. I looked over at him as I grabbed a bottle and screamed. Something grabbed my hand and pulled at full force. I couldn't grab my knife or pistol because it was on the other side and I wouldn't be able to get it. Instead of fighting back like I normally would and continue like nothing happened something came over me. It was like I gave up. Tears streaming down my face. The walker was about to bite my arm right when Carl killed the walker with his knife. I fell to the ground when the walker let go of my arm and backed into a corner crying. For some reason I was scared but that wasn't fully the reason why I was crying. I was letting out all of my emotions from the past few days that had been building up inside of me and Carl ran to me concerned.

-Carl's P.O.V-
I was looking around putting anything useful in my bag when all of a sudden I heard a scream. I looked over and saw a walker getting to Y/N. "Y/N!" I screamed and jumped over the counter that was separating me from her. I pulled out my knife from its holster and I nailed the walker in the head. I saw Y/N fall and back into a corner terrified and honestly it scared me seeing Y/N this scared. She had always been immune to these kinds of things and would take care of it and walk off like a bad ass but this time was different. Never had I seen her this scared ever.

-Your P.O.V-
"Hey hey your ok! It's okay we're both okay neither of us got bit." He said as he checked me for bites or scratches. He hugged me and I hugged back still sitting on the ground him crouched down.  I then stood up still hugging his neck even tighter as he was rubbing little circles into my back. I always loved when he did that because it always calmed me down and it was working. After a second of calming down I kind of pulled back still holding onto his neck and kissed him red as a tomato.

-Carl's P.O.V-
Y/N had stood up and I was rubbing her back in attempt to calm her down. It seemed like it was working as her shaking slowly came to a stop and barely any tears were coming out. She pulled back for a second faintly smiling at me and kissed me while my mind was going a thousand miles per hour. Omg she's kissing me! Oh my god what do I do?! Don't be an idiot! Kiss her back show her you like her! I then came back down to earth and shut my once wide eyes and kissed her back while wrapping my arms around her waist. It was actually happening. I was sharing my first kiss with the girl I've loved forever and I never wanted this moment to end.

-Your P.O.V-
I did it. I actually got the guts to do it and he kissed back! I pulled away and looked at the ground and looked up a little. My eyes widened and looked back at the ground. "I-I'm sorry!" I said all red but he just smiled and kissed my forehead while hugging me tightly. "Don't ever be sorry because I love you more than you know."

1706 words
I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO CRINGEY LMAO. First time writing in forever and it sucks oof. Sorry if you cringed but thank you if you enjoyed it! 😂

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