6; Taken

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We were walking peacefully and happily telling jokes brightening the mood and trying to forget how hungry we were. After a while we found some cars and Carl and I were in one half asleep. "You still awake back there?" I smiled yawning "barely." I said as he laughed. "Do you think we'll find shelter soon?" I asked. "I hope so. I'm tired of sleeping in cars and on the ground." He replied. We talked and talked until we fell into a nice deep slumber. Or so we thought. All of a sudden I got violently dragged out of the back seat. I was still half a sleep as I was pushed down to sit on my knees a grown man holding my arms back like I was being arrested. "What the heck is going on?" I asked only to be yelled at "Stop talked little bitch!" Now I was awake. I saw everyone else all being held at gunpoint except for Carl. He was being tossed around and taunted by a man five times his size. He was crying and yelping in pain. I got so mad that for a second everything went white and my face blank. I was feeling so many emotions at once. The ringing in my ears got worst by the minute and all of a sudden I snapped. "Let go of him!" I yelled and screamed pulling forward from the guy holding onto my hands and in one swift motion stood up and took my gun out of its holster hitting him on the jaw and he fell to the ground. "You idiot! You didn't take her weapons?!" The guy who had Rick said. "I-I didn't think I h-had to!" The guy stammered. A devilish smirk made its way to my lips. "You thought wrong bitch." I pulled back the trigger and killed him. I turned to everyone else blood splattered all over my body and I let out yet another blood curdling scream. I shot the guy who had Carl and everything was in slow motion. After I had shot the guy the leader got me through the chest. I slowly fell and the others finished off the gang. My vision and hearing going in and out.

They all ran over to me
"She's got a pulse!" Michonne.
Hearing went out for a second but came back to hear Carl crying next to me. Heard car rev up.
in the back seat with Carl and driving

-Carl's P.O.V-
It's been three days since Y/N got shot and she's still out. I hope she comes back soon. I'm so lonely without her here and I missed her smile and her laugh that always melts my heart and could make my day. We found a church and met this guy who calls himself father Gabriel and helped us. I've been laying on the couch next to the bed Y/N was laying on unconscious. She looked peaceful and was breathing fine. I hope she's doing okay. I hope she comes back soon.

-Your P.O.V-
I couldn't hear or see anything and I could barely feel. I didn't feel any emotions everything was numb. I don't know how long I've been out for or if I'm even still alive. A few days later my feeling came back and I was in a bed? I felt someone put their hand in mine and my hearing kicked in. "Please.. you cant die Y/N. My boy loves you dearly and if you die I'm afraid he will lose it. That i'll never hear him laugh or smile ever again. Please. Come back!" I wanted to cry with him but couldn't. I had to do something to show I'm still here. With all the strength left inside of me I squeezed his hand. He started crying even more but this time happy. "Thank you Y/N. Just hold on there I promise this will all be over soon. Get as much rest as you can so you can recover faster. We're all waiting for you. Thank you again." And with that he left.
My hearing had gotten better and I gained a lot more strength. I was going crazy inside of my head wanting to see everyone smiling. I missed them all. Especially Carl. He made me feel a way that no one else could. Did I have... feelings for him? I mentally smiled at the thought and heard Carl waking up. Must be morning. It sucks because I also have no sense of time so I usually go off when I can hear Carl. He grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead. Come on Y/N wake up now it would be the perfect time to! I kept trying. nothing. But then...

-Carl's P.O.V-
I woke up to Y/N still unconscious. A tear found its way down my cheek. I miss my best friend so much. I grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead. I sat there looking down when all of a sudden I heard her groaning. My head shot up "Y/N?" My eyes widened looking at her.

-Your P.O.V-
I was finally awake! I groaned from the pain in my chest. My chest! I got up fast gasping for air but Carl pushed me back down slowly. I groaned in pain again "what happened?" I asked. "Well, you helped me but then got shot so everyone else took out the rest of the group as fast as they could so we could rush you somewhere to fix you up. We found this church and a guy called father Gabriel took us in and helped you. You've been out for a week." Did he say a week? That must've been one hell of a bullet. "Well at least I'm here now." I said trying to sit up again. I held my chest. It really hurt. I guess I know how Carl felt when he got shot. Carl hugged me lightly in hopes of not hurting me. He started crying a little. "I missed you so much Y/N. I was afraid that you were never going to wake up." I wiped the tears off of his face. "It takes more than a bullet to kill me. Plus," I said pulling away a bit to look at his face. "you'll never lose me." And with that I kissed him.

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