🔮How to choose the right crystal🔮

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To get the most out of your crystals, you need to find those that are truly yours. Each person has a unique energy frequency and the secret to effective crystal working is to find the crystals that best respond to you.

✋🏿✋🏾✋🏽✋🏼✋🏻The palm chakras✋🏻✋🏼✋🏽✋🏾✋🏿
There is one simple thing that enables the maximum contact with crystals, and that is opening the energy sensitive chakras in the centre of your palms. Although these chakras are little known, they are what make healing and feeling crystal energies so potent.

1) Open and close your hands, forming fists, several times.

2) Bring your hands together with straight fingers so that the palms touch.

3) Flex your fingers down and open your hands slightly, then bring them back together again.

4) Repeat several times. Your palms may start to tingle and it will feel as though a ball of energy is building up between them. This indicates that your palm chakras are opening.

Always open these chakras before choosing or working with a crystal.

🌱Growing your root🌱
The second thing that makes working with crystal energies easier – and helps you to feel secure – is to open the Earth Star chakra, or energy centre, beneath your feet. This chakra helps you to grow a 'root' that goes deep down into the Earth and grounds your energies. Earth energy travels up this root and healing energy goes down through it, setting up a circuit that helps you channel subtle crystal energy into the physical dimension and makes your crystal work more power-full.

1) Stand for a few moments with your feet slightly apart, your knees relaxed and somewhat bent and your hands loosely clasped beneath your navel over your sacral chakra.

2) Picture a dinner-plate sized vortex of energy spinning beneath your feet.

3) Consciously make a connection through your hands, across to your hips, down each leg and out through your feet to the vortex below.

4) Picture the Earth Star vortex opening like a flower to receive the two strands of energy.

5) As you make the connection, bounce a little to strengthen it.

6) Visualize the energy cords twining together to make a root that goes deep down into the Earth and anchors itself to the huge iron crystal at the core. This cord is your shamanic anchor. It holds you lightly on the Earth.
Open the Earth Star chakra whenever you work with crystal energies.

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