I see Hobi hyung at the wheel with Jimin hyung in the front seat. Yoongi hyung was glaring at me as I woke him up from his slumber when I closed the door and he was seated at the right window seat. Beside me was Jungkook, who sat in the middle.

Right after I get in Hobi hyung starts speeding off, I by accediently fly into Jungkook and his hand finds its way to my waist to stop me from falling forward. I hear him chuckle and I just blush a little, put my seat belt on and cuss at Hobi hyung and his dumbass driving.

"Tae shut up already I'm trying to concentrate on driving!" Hobitch hyung yells at me.

We were on our way to the EXO hang out, Jin was going to go undercover and I think he was driving to the spot with Namjoon hyung. We all were coming as back up just in case something goes wrong but knowing Jin, everything will go just fine as he has done things way harder than this. I think their hang out was at some bowling alley/bar where over like 40 members of EXO hang out. Their gang was huge but there were only 10 that were the threats to us, the rest hardly knew how to hold a plastic knife let alone load a gun.

"Hyunnggg why am I always seated in the back!" I hear kookie whine for the third time to Hoseok hyung. I smile at his cuteness, he always hated riding in the back and complained all the time. Our maknae hates being treated like a kid.

"HAHAHAHA that's what you get! You 2 years old young shit!" Jimin laughs replying to kookie.

"Oh shut up hyung! You shouldn't even be seated there if the cops come by they gonna think a child is sitting there... Hmm maybe if we get you a booster seat, you sitting in the front will be justifiable and you'll finally be able to see outside the window." Jungkook retorts.

We all start laughing at Kookie's come back and Jimin hyung just pouts while turning back to look at Jungkook with a sad fake expression.

"But I like sitting in the front! And I'm older so shut up kookie!" Jimin pouted.

I didn't like it when he called Jungkook kookie, that was my nickname but I couldn't get jealous, not like I was dating him. Of course not, that would be weird like how Jungkook said, right.

"Oh my! you guys are so annoying! God next time Jimin and Jungkook go ride in your own car then both of y'all can sit in the front WOO HOO! Or better yet Jungkook come sit in the front and Jimin sit on his lap, then both of y'all can sit in the front and not argue like a married couple." Hoseok hyung exclaimed.

I saw Jungkook immediately move back into his seat and blush, and Jimin was slightly smiling in the front from what I saw in the top mirror. Ugh I hated this, why did they always get seen as a couple and Jungkook hardly even looks at me.

I hate it, I like him so much and he notices me as nothing other then a friend- no wait even worse, a brother. I even know that he had a crush on Jimin as he told me a couple weeks before we split, it shattered my heart and I remember going home crying my eyes out. But I hoped he grew out of it in this year, I pray that one day he will see me like how he sees my best friend. Ughh! It's always freaking jikook, and I hate it.

Thank god we reached our location, it was a small beach a couple miles away from the EXO hang out as we don't wanna get caught.

I walk out of the car and go sit on a nearby bench and take my laptop out and start setting up. I hear Hoseok and Jimin trying to wake Yoongi hyung up and all I hear is death threats out of the white haired smol hyungs mouth. I laugh to myself while I get my phone out to text Namjoon and ask what was happening and if I should start hacking.

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