Chapter Four: Behind Closed Doors

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"I wonder if he's just going to go home now, " whispered Sasuke.

"Well, let's find out."

So we followed him back to the village and through it to some houses on the far side. He seemed to be in no rush and walked slowly, even saying hello to some of the villagers as they called in their children for bed.

After some more walking, we reached what I assumed was his house. It was a cream color with dark trim and a low porch, with windows on all sides of the house and a second story. It was surrounded by trees and a bit farther from the road than the other houses, but looked cozy despite it seeming too big for one man.

Sasuke and I sat on some tree limbs a good distance away where we could still maintain our vision while Kakashi unlocked his door and went inside. He didn't lock it behind him, and from the window we could see that he took off his shoes at the front door. I could see his shoulders rise and fall in an exaggerated sigh, and the he stretched and walked into the kitchen, where he grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerator. He stared inside of it, water bottle in hand, and then sighed again.

"Guess I gotta get more food."

"You're telling me. I'm starving here."

Quite frankly, I was startled at the words that came neither from Sasuke nor Kakashi until I saw a dog run up behind Kakashi.

"Hey Pakkun. Did anybody visit while I was out?"

"I don't think so. Even if they did, I've been sleeping all day."

"Pakkun, I keep you around to watch the house. You can't just sleep all day."

The dog, Pakkun, seemed irritated.

"What else is there for a Summoning to do if they're not helping the person who summoned them? I get so bored here. I need some action."

The conversation kind of ended there. It was more of a one sided conversation anyway, and the two parties just seemed content to drop the matter entirely by providing a short "hm" to the other. No other words word said.

Sasuke and I sat on tree limbs for another hour when I could sense him getting tired.

"I'm leaving. He doesn't seem up to much and I think he might just pack it in for the night. You should do the same." he hopped from the tree and hit the ground like a feather. He threw one more glance in my direction and then turned on his heel.

I, however, was not tired at all. I continued to sit for another ten minutes when my leg started to cramp up. I had to move or something, so I stood to move branches. Suddenly I heard a soft footstep on the path below, and decided to sink into the shadows of the thick trunk.

A woman was walking along the path in what I would describe as a trench coat, and she carried no bag with her. She was tall and blonde and it was so dark I couldn't see her face, but I could make out her shape. She split from the road and started down the path to Kakashi's house.

She must be visiting Sensei. I wonder what for, this late at night. She seems like a ninja, even walks like one. She's there on business.

Jonin are weird like that. But what are you gonna do? They say there's no rest for the wicked so I guess ninja can't sleep either since they always have to be ready for an attack.

I could see Kakashi still moving around in the house, seemingly unaware of the woman approaching. She stepped onto the front porch, the boards creaking softly, and then she knocked on the door. Kakashi looked over at Pakkun and nodded, a gesture which I assumed to mean "go away," because Pakkun disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Oh, My Sensei (Kakashi x Reader) *IN PROGRESS*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя