That solves that problem

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Chapter 16

"She should be stable now." Tony's voice rings. I feel like I'm paralyzed, struggling to even open my eyes.

"What happened?" Nat asks.

"Her Arc Reactor gave out. It must have froze over while going into that portal. And using up-"

"Wait, she went into the portal?!" I mentally jump at Clint's outburst.

"Would you let me finish?" Tony asks, "Using up some energy creating her portal to get back, I assume most of the emergency energy was destroyed. And as Spiderboy said, her Arc Reactor was dim when he found her."

A beeping noise enters my ear.

"Whats that?" Spiderman, I think, asks.

"Just a machine. It seems as if- How?" I try to once again open my eyes. Tony needs help. They automatically adjust to the lighting. I stiffly sit up and look at Tony. Who is in front of me, staring at a computer.

"What is it, Stark?" I ask, stretching out my sore muscles.

"Fantastic, you're awake! And, it's nothing. Really."

"Something is wrong, Stark. And since when is a beeping noise nothing with you?" Captain questions. He must still be mad from that argument in the lab. Who knew he could hold a grudge?

Tony, being the person he is, was about to make a snide comment when I stepped in. "Where's Banner?"

"Out side, Ash. He is still known as the one called the Hulk." Thor replies, gripping the handle of his hammer.

"What happened?" I asked, jumping of the table. I swayed a little before gaining my balance.

"Your Arc Reactor gave out. You stopped breathing. We thought we lost you." Spiderboy says, walking over and helping me take the dreaded wires off. The beeping machine stops. I nod my head, giving SB a quick thanks.

"So, Stark. What was question earlier about?" I ask, tilting my head. He sighed.

"It seems as if your body is healing itself. Injuries that should take months to recover from."

"But how is that possible?" Nat asked.

"That's the problem. I don't know." Tony said, rubbing his face. "Even with the Asguardian blood you've had injected into you, it still wouldn't be possible. There isn't enough for something this significant to be happening."

"It's becuase of Odin." I state. Everyone turns and stares at me.

"What do you know of my father?" Thor asks, almost demanding.

"That he has given me powers and abilities of Asguardians. I assume that includes healing. And before you ask, that is all I know. I blacked out and woke up on the streets of New York before Frigga or Odin could tell me anything else." I explain.

"I shall have a word with them when I return with Loki." He replies, nodding his head.

"We won this battle, but at a cost." Captain says.

"But we won." Spiderman says, pointing out the good. We all chuckled.

"Yes we did, Dad." SB tells him, patting him on the back.


We are all standing around Thor and Loki, who are facing each other. Loki had hand-cuffs and a muzzle on. Eric walked over and handed Thor the covered tesseract. Thor looked to us. Spiderman and SB weren't there, but we were going to meet up later to help clean up.

The tesseract was activated.


I was in Stark tower, cleaning up a little. Watching the news. They were covering the footage of the battle and the aftermath. The mayor was wondering where the Avengers were. Some dude playing chess in the park apparently missed the entire thing.

"Super heroes? In New York? Give me a break!" He said, throwing his arms up and returning to the game. Others where almost killed. Including a waitress Captain apparently saved. She was wanting to thank him. All I knew, this was only the begging. But we were safe. And everything was going to return to normal.

For the most part.

A/N- Hey, everyone! No, this is not the last chapter. And sorry it's short. One more before we go onto the next book!

"The last chapter should be up tomorrow. Then keep an eye out for the next book!"

I will put up another chapter when it is up!

Comment, vote, follow!


I'd tell you the truth, But S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't allow me too (Avengers Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora