What is going on here? Part 2

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Chapter 3



"Kneel!" he screamed. Outgunned, I didn't know much at that moment. But one thing I did know, this wasn't very good. At all.


"I said.....Kneel!" He screams. I obey like the rest of the crowd, not wanting to draw any attention to myself yet.

He begins to speak again, "Is this not simpler? Is this not your natural state? Is the unspoken-" I tune him out and turn to my parents, who have a look of terror written all over them. They look at me and I start to whisper to them. "What I am about to do, it is dangerous, so don't try to stop me.  Run when everyone else does. Then go home. I will meet you there soon, where everything will be explained." They nod their heads and I stand up.

"Sir, I am going to have to ask you to stand down in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D." He glares at me, and I return the cold stare. Then and there, I accepted that I might not make it through the night. I had no defenses.

"Not likely," He replies and starts to finish his speech. Then I realize who he is. Loki, Thor's brother. I stay up, keeping my ground.

"In the end, you will always kneel." He finishes.

"Sir, you need to stand down." I press, giving him one last chance; As an old germen man rises.

"Not to men like you." Loki turns away from me and faces the man. He smiles.

"There are no men like me."

"There are always men like you."

Loki starts to raise is staff and I ball my fists. The public would not be harmed. Loki smirked.

"Look to your youth and elder, people. Let them be an example."

Two shots ring through the air, one aiming for me. My eyes widen and I gasp, moving my arms into a cross in front of my face. I hear both hit metal. I slowly open my eyes to see a shield over my right arm. I look over to the old man to see Captain America, standing in front of him with his shield raised.

What was he doing here? I thought he was dead! Loki starts to talk again, but I tune him out. I look back over to see the front of my circular shield. Only to find that is was a smaller replica of Captain's.

"- the man out of time."

"I 'm not the only one that's out of time."

I glance down at my shield. Seeing this as an opening, I throw it at him. Loki was knocked over right as a Quin-Jet arrives.

"I told you to stand down. You shoot and I am forced to take precautions. Now I have a shield. Not smart." I say, as the crowd, including my parents, run off. Loki was standing again, but Captain tackled him, starting a fight.

I retrieve my shield and look up at the waiting Quin-Jet. I can't tell whose piloting, but it's S.H.I.E.L.D, and they're armed. I turn back to the fighting to see Captain pinned down.

"Kneel." I throw my shield once again, only earning me an annoyed look. On the bright side, my shield actually came back to me.

The next thing I know, Loki is laying on the steps in front of  Captain. Next to him is Tony, as Iron man, with all his wepons showing. I switch arms with my shield and run over to them, flexing my right wrist. Ready to fire a beam, a deadly look in my eyes.

"Make a move, reindeer games." Stark's metallic voice sounds. I smirk as Loki raises his arms in surrender, and his robes vanish. I stand down and walk over to the Quin-Jet that is landing. Standing guard.

------After everyone is on board an in the air----------

"Come over here and give me a hug for saving you back there, Mini Stark." Tony says, with his helmet now off.

"Not likely," I say walking over to hug him. Only to look over his shoulder and see someone else I know. I pull out of his grip and rush to the front.

"Hello, Romanoff. Hello, Bar-" I stop short, "Nat? Where's Clint?"

"He's been compromised," She replies, "Brainwashed."

My eyes widen. "By who?"

"Him," She replies; Nodding her head in the demi-gods direction.

I start to get angry and my heart rate starts to rise. "Well, He's go-" Nat cuts off my rant.

"No. I put one of your uniforms under the seat nearest to you with and extra I.D. and gun. Go get changed. Then, Stark is going to make sure your Arc Reactor is good. After that, you are going to be briefed from a packet and help me co-pilot. You understand?"

"Fine," I mumble, my anger still lingering. Nat notices and brings out my military training.

"What was that, Soldier?"

"Sir, yes, sir." I reply, and rush off to change.

A/N And I am going to stop it there.

"Why wasn't Fury or Coulson contacted?"

Because it didn't cross any minds. Now, Thank you for your comments and votes! You do not know how exited I get when I read them. And a special Thanks to myranda1550 for all of her amazing comments and votes!


I'd tell you the truth, But S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't allow me too (Avengers Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें