What is going on here? Part 1

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Chapter 2

I jump across the hotel room, landing near my shoes. I quickly start to slip on the black ballet flats- that go with my purple dress and black leggings- and rush over to my duffle bag. It is over flowing with clothes, giving it the messy edge that I needed. I open up the side pocket and reached in. Feeling the cold metal and the plastic bag that I needed, I pulled it out.

one.....two.......three......four...five...six, I count, loading the bullets into the magazine. I shove the nearly empty plastic bag back into the Duffle. I then start rummaging through my clothes, searching for the non-loaded .45 mm. gun. I hear a knock on the door.

"Come on, Astrid."

"Just a sec. Dad!" I yell, looking even faster for the gun. I hear the door knob turn. I quickly throw the magazine into the bag, zip it up, and dash over to my nightstand. The door opens.

"Sweetie," my Mom calls, entering the room, "We are going to be late to the party. Come on."

"Alright." I say, pretending to give in. I grab my dog tags and walk towards the door. I stop for a moment and pretend to look at myself in the mirror. The Arc Reactor isn't visible, which is good. I follow Mom out the door. Completely forgetting about the gun.


The 'party' was nice. Not ment for a teenage girl like me, but still nice. This has been going on for at least a half an hour now. I notice my mother coming towards where I am standing. Which is by the refreshments.

"Are you doing Ok over here?"

"Yes, Mom. Doing fine." I reply, fumbling around with my dog tags.

"Honey, why are you wearing those?"

I start to panic a little. "There like my military I.D. Incase I quickly need to do something or get somewhere, I can use this." I lie.

One of the tags, its a tracker. The other is like my data screen. So, I can look at everything involving my heart when I can't have the data screen on me.

"Alright. I'll be over there with your father, Ok?"

I nod my head as she walks off. I continue to stand there, looking around for maybe 10 minutes. Then the screaming began. Going into action, I rush over to my parents. Mom is clinging to Dad for dear life. Without saying anything, I grab their arms and drag them out of the building. Right before we left, I thought I saw a guy holding down the host. But, I'm not positive.

We ended up in a crowd, in the plaza across the street. All of the people were panicing, and I was struggling to keep my heart rate under control. The guy I thought I saw from earlier comes over, only this time he is wearing robes, has a horned helmet, and has a staff of fate. I reach for my gun, only to find that it isn't there. This 'party' was going worse than I expected.

The crowd started trying to run from him. But we were soon trapped by mirror images of himself.

"Kneel!" He screams. Outgunned, I didn't know much at that moment. But one thing I did know, this wasn't very good. At all.

I'd tell you the truth, But S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't allow me too (Avengers Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang