Mission: Puppy Eyes Pt. 1

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Your POV
I wake up and see Taehyung's face right by mine. I blush and let out a squeak. He wakes up and looks at me. He smiles he box smile. Curse that smile... Actually don't, I love that smile. "Morning clingy." He said. "Clingy? What did I do?" I asked, my memory being a little fuzzy. "You wouldn't let me leave, but I also offered to stay so I guess it's partially my fault." He responds. "I'm sorry. Did I make you do anything... Stupid?" I asked. "Did I do anything stupid?" I questioned further. He shook his head with a smile. "No, but you did ask me to take you to the roof during sunset. I tried to say no.... But you used your stinking puppy eyes. Can anyone resist those?" He asked with a light blush on his cheeks. "I gave you puppy eyes? No, no one can resist them. They've all tried, none have succeeded." I reply with a victorious smile. "Would they work on Yoongi~Hyung?" He asked. I think for a moment. "Maybe." I respond. He smirks. "You wanna try?" He asks. "Why not, I've got nothing better to do today." I reply. "Get changed first you've been wearing that for over a day." He says. I nod then go to my dresser to get clothes. I turn around and see him spacing out. "Uh.... Taehyung? You can't be in here while I change.... You know that right?" I said. He blinks. "What? Oh sorry... Yeah.... I'll be outside." He says and awkwardly leaves the room. I giggle, then change my clothes. "I'm done!" I shout. He comes back in. "Alright, so what should I ask him for?" I asked. "You should ask for..." He begins to whisper in my ear. I nod in agreement. He pulls out his phone and starts a Vlive.

Yoongi's POV
I was sitting on the couch, just about to fall asleep when I feel a tapping on my shoulder. I open one eye and see (Yn). "Hey! Glad you're feeling better." I said then closed my eyes again. I felt more tapping. I open both and see she's still there. "Did you need something?" I asked. "Yoongi.... Can I borrow your favorite sweater please?" She asked. "I'm sorry but no, it's my favorite sweater." I respond. She looks down for a moment before looking back up. Oh dear goodness sakes.... "Please.... I'm cold...." She says, her puppy eyes.... Oh don't give in don't give in don't give in. "Please Yoongi? Please?" She begs. Mother trucker. "Okay... You can wear my sweater, it's in my closet." I sighed in defeat. She beams brightly. "Thank you Yoongi! You're great!" She says and hugs me. She leaves the room. Curse my soft side.

Your POV (short)
I go to Yoongi's room and get his sweater. I put it on and turn to Taehyung who has the camera. "He said yes?" He whispers. I smile and give him a thumbs up. "Who is next?" I asked. We wait for comments. "A lot of them are saying Jin." I whisper. "What should I ask for?" I asked the viewers. "I'm doing that one!" I whisper shout. "You're childish." He says with a chuckle. "So are you." I respond and walk out the door. "You're not wrong." He mutters back.

Jin's POV
I was in the kitchen cooking. "Jinnie!" I hear (Yn) say cheerfully. "Glad you're feeling better." I said with a smile. "Jinnie~." She said. "Hmm?" I ask. "Can I have ice cream for dinner please?" She asks. My eyes widen and I turn around. I see her standing there with an adorably innocent and sweet smile, similar to Taehyung's smile. It almost makes me wanna say yes. "No, you just got over being sick. It wouldn't be smart... Is that Yoongi's sweater?" I asked nothing what she was wearing. "Yeah... I was cold and I asked if I could wear it. He said yes." She replied. My jaw dropped slightly. I shook my head. "It's healthier if you don't have ice cream for awhile, and definitely not for dinner. She looks down. "Please?" She squeaks out as she looks up. Oh holy mother of puppy eyes... They're like Taehyung's.... But more effective. Crap. "Please Jinnie? Please?" She asks, her bottom lip popping out in an adorable pout that makes her seem like a little girl asking her mother for a doll. I sigh. "Okay okay.... Fine.... You can have ice cream for dinner. What flavor?" I ask. "(Favorite ice cream flavor)." She says with a bright smile. "Thank you Jinnie!" She says and hugs me quickly before leaving the kitchen. How does one do that?

Your POV (short)
Taehyung follows behind me. "I can't believe this is actually working." He said. "Like I told you, no one can resist my puppy eyes." I replied with a smile. "Who is out next target?" I asked. Comments flood in. "That one." I said and point to one with Namjoon. "'See if Namjoon will let you wear his glasses.'" I read. "Here goes nothing." I said. I wandered around until I found Namjoon's room.

Namjoon's POV
I was in my room writing lyrics. "Joonie?" A gently voice says. I turn and see (Yn). "Hey! Glad you're feeling better. I heard you weren't feeling well." I respond with a smile. She walks over to me. She wearing Yoongi's sweater... I'll figure it out later. "Joonie... Can.... Can I borrow your glasses? Please?" She asked. I tilt my head. "Why?" I asked. "I like wearing other people's glasses (true story for me). So can I? I'll give them back  to you tomorrow! I promise!" She says playing with her hair. "Sorry, but I'm using them." I responded. "You can borrow them tomorrow." I replied. I look directly at her eyes and I watch them change. They become big and round. "Please? I promise I'll give them back tomorrow." She begged. Oh I know what she's doing... What makes it worse is that it's working. "Please?" She asked once more. I sigh and remove my glasses. "Okay." I said and gave her the glasses. She beamed brightly. "Thank you Joonie!" She says and hugs me. Then she takes the glasses puts them on and leaves. That must be how she got the sweater.

Your POV
"I got the glasses guys! Alright who is next?" I asked. Comments quickly came. "Alright, Jiminnie, here I come." I whisper.

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