Insecurities Pt. 1

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Somehow this chapter disappeared so... Yeah... Anyway

Your POV
Everyone has insecurities. It's something you never tell people, unless you feel comfortable with it and you think they'd understand. You usually cope with the insecurity, but you find out someone thinks the same things about you.... Doesn't it hurt? It makes you want to try and fix that insecurity. That's what I'm trying to do, and it's causing me to throw up, but it's worth it if no one thinks about me like that... Isn't it? It's been a few months since I've moved into the dorms.

"You know Mr. Kim Taehyung's new teacher's assistant would be more attractive if she lost a little weight and wore makeup to cover her blemishes, don't you think?" I heard some some students say. I freeze at the words but I don't make it invisible as they now had my full attention unaware that I was here. I was usually a pretty confident person, but then brining up something worries me slightly makes me lose that confidence real quick. "Yeah, I mean she's okay now. She'd look better if she was skinnier." Another replied. I glance and see they're both in one of Taehyung's classes. "Who are you talking about?" Another student asks popping into the conversation. This one was a girl in his class. "We were talking about how Ms. (Ln) could be more attractive if she lost some weight and put on makeup." The first responds. My head was down, I was fighting back tears. "Oh her? She's totally not pretty enough for him. Not that they'd date anyway, he's way out of her league." The girl responds. For some reason that hurt more than the others. I do my best to hide the fact that I'm about to cry as I walk past them. "Hey Ms. (Ln)." The first responds. I was glad the school day was over. I sprinted out the doors and to my car. I have shopping to do.
*end of flashback*

That was about a month ago. I've been eating less than normal, but enough that no one would suspect anything. I've been getting up early to go to the gym, I go to the gym during lunch break at school making the excuse every time that I was meeting with some friends, I go to gym right after school, I go right before going to bed, I don't usually get to bed until three, and then I wake up at five thirty to go to the gym. I leave the gym and get to school around six thirty, giving me thirty minutes until Taehyung arrives. I always say I was making sure we had a plan for the day and any papers that needed to be graded were graded. I've been wearing makeup too. I wear waterproof makeup so it doesn't come off while I'm working out. Before I started this I weighed around one-hundred-thirty pounds, now I weigh around ninety to one hundred pounds. Taehyung has started to notice and became very concerned about my health. I always tell him I'm fine, but the truth was I knew I was unhealthy skinny... You could see my ribs. I think he knew I was lying, because he would always furrow his brows, but he would just sigh and say okay. I knew I was harming my body doing this but.... For the first time in my life I actually cared what people thought about me. Today I was going to the dance studio for my work out. I was dancing to some of BTS's hardest choreography. I didn't realize I had pushed too far until everything went black.

Taehyung's POV
I knew something was wrong with her but she wouldn't tell me, so I was just gonna let it slide. I shouldn't have. I heard music coming from the dance studio I went to see who it was and when I walk in I begin to panic. I see (Yn) passed out on the floor. "HYUNG! HYUNG! Help!" I shout as I sprinted away from the dance studio. I get to where they all are, my eyes wide with panic. "What is it Taehyung?" Jin asked. I look him in the eye. Everyone knew something was wrong with (Yn), so my next words would cause panic in everyone. "It's (Yn)." I said. "Where is she?" Jin asked as everyone's eyes widened. I gesture for them to follow me, before sprinting back down the hallway. They follow me and we walk into the studio and see her still passed out on the floor. "What's gotten into her? She's never done this before." Lily mutters. We all walk closer to her. "We need to get her to the hospital." Namjoon says. I nod my head and go to pick her up, very easily.... Too easily. My eyes widened. "She's...... She's so light......" I mutter. Adjust my gold and my eyes widen more. I could feel her ribs through the shirt. "Oh my...." I whisper and lay her back down on the floor. "Taehyung, what is it?" Jin asked. I lift her shirt slightly. I hear gasps. "She's so...... Skinny......" Madie mumbles. I pull her shirt back down. That's when I started to connect the dots. She had been eating less, she would always seem exhausted, her face did look different... She would always leave for work early, leave during break, leave after school, leave before going to bed... I carefully take my thumb across her cheek. I pull it back.... Foundation. "Does she usually wear makeup?" I question quietly. "No... She only does for rare occasions and even then sometimes she doesn't." Emily responded. "Someone's messed her self-confidence." I said and showed them my thumb. "Let's get her to the hospital.... And fast." I say as I pick her up again. Who ever messed with her confidence.... Is gonna be severely punished. I guarantee it was our students... She became slightly uneasy during a few periods. I once again take my thumb and wipe off makeup under her eye. She has giant bags.... So much lack of sleep... Now that I think about it.... She would always come back around three, then I'd hear her leave around five. Some students, are gonna get detention. I. was. mad. Correction. I. AM. Mad.

Teacher's Assistant (V X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ