Patient two: Jungkook

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He couldn't breath.

He couldn't breath.

And it was all because of him.

"Get away from me!"

It was the first time he had yelled at the man whom was obviously shocked that Jungkook had even so much as raised his voice at him.


"Don't touch me! I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!" Jungkook was in hysterics now.

"Sir, calm down!" One of the nurses yelled. It was clear that Jungkook was having a panic attack.

The man just sighed: "I am terribly sorry for causing such a reaction"

"It's not your fault sir, anything could trigger one of his panic attacks, but these visits of yours are sure to help him. It's the only time he sees a familiar face and after the loss of ... you know ... he really needs to be comforted by a familiar face."

The man nodded, smiling a sad smile.

"I guess I shall take my leave now. I'll come back next week"

The nurses bowed to him while the man excited.

After his exit, they turned towards the hyperventilating young man and the nurs attending him.

"What will we do with him? That poor man, he's so nice, too bad his son gets triggered by the smallest thing"

The other nurses nodded in agreement.

"Shut up, instead of crushing on this boy's father, you should be more worried about the patient's condition." The head nurse, Choi Minho, angrily gave them a berisping.

The other nurses all glanced at the patient before slowly filing out of the room to go help other patients, it was no secret they only came for the boy's father. "That was probably also one of the stress factors that triggered the poor child." Minho thought. He wouldn't be comfortable with all that public either.

"Breath deeply in, and out, follow my tempo" he directed Jungkook while waiting for one of the nurses to return with Jungkook's medicins.

"It's all right, everything will be all right"


"Jiminie pabo!" Jungkook happily yelled when he spotted his favourite target.

"Damn you brat! I was born in Busan first! Have some respect for your elder!" Jimin yelled back angrily before chasing Jungkook.

Jungkook just laughed happily. These moments were the moments he lived for.

They were so carefree, if only every day could feel as great as this moment, but the throbbing in Jungkook's back told him it was only wishful dreaming.

For he woule never be truly free from the dark shackles of this world.

No matter how hard he tried, the memories, and it's evidence of the events truly happening will stay for ever etched into his brain.

If even the mere mention of those events gave him a panic attack, then how would he ever be able to live a true and fulfilling life?

The answer was never, and no patter how much he would want to change it he just couldn't.

So he had decided on cherishing all these moments.

While running he turned around and took a picture.

No matter how hard his day was, if he had the chance to look at all the pictures he has taken, they managed to light up his day.

He cherished all his friends, and not that he would tell them that, but he'd rather relive his worst nightmare over and over as long as he didn't see a tear on their faces.

For they were his best friends, his support, and without them, he would've given up a long time ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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