(8) Upgrade

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Pete walks out of play rehearsal. "What was that?" Talking to the squip.

I'm sorry, but that boy does not see you as relationship material.

"I know! That's why I got you!"

And you're sure you want him? There are many people at this school, even the girls. I'm accessing footage from the girl's volleyball practice. It's very impressive.

"I want Patrick."

You're sure about that? Very well.

"So how can I get him?"

You can't.


Becoming the kind of man who can impress Patrick requires more than working out a few bugs. You're going to need to reboot your reputation. Supercharge your social standing. You need to upgrade.


You need to get popular. Tear ducts activate.

Pete starts sobbing uncontrollably & Tyler walks to him. "Pete! I have been looking for you." Tyler said. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying." Trying to wipe his tears. "I do."

"You do?"

"& I totally understand. Teenagers like us these days."

"What are you talking about?"

"God, remember what you said when we met at the mall?"

"Yeah, right."

"I mean, I do understand about exes. You will get better without them if you get used to it anyways..."

"Did you know this was going to happen?" Pete talks to his squip, ignoring what Tyler is saying.

Of course not.

"So it's a coincidence you told me tell all these stuff after they noticed I was holding it?"

Of course not.

"Wait, what? How?"

Not exactly. My quantum processor allows me to envision probable futures. While I did not know that, at least I always know what you should do next. I was aware of the probability of a...favorable outcome.

"Favorable for who?"

Tyler is done talking randomly & looks at Pete. "It's okay, Pete. You don't have to be alone right now."

You need to get popular, here's a popular boy who likes you. You need to go where he leads.

They both get to a tree behind the school. "This is my favourite place behind the school." The leaned on the tree. "Being here with you right now, I feel like we are already creating a future & help each other... guide through life?"

Just do it Pete. Let me control what you do. Your life was so pitiful before. Now you need the upgrade. Don't worry about your guilt.

Meanwhile, Joe & Patrick were in the hallway. "Hey. You're not gonna say hi?" Joe sees Patrick trying to pass by. "I was... At rehearsal." Patrick stops, facing him. "I wanted to be there. But, it's the same time as music..." Joe has an excuse. "It's okay, really-"

"Which is why I had to tell the teacher I quit. I don't want to do every after school activity at school. I just want to do yours. Do you wanna come over my house tonight & play cricket or something? My parents are out of town for today. 

"W- wait... Isn't that illegal? They should be talking care of you-"

"Which means the house is empty so, that's fun."

"I never knew this is you. I'm still not sure what to do."

"C'mon! Just go!"

Back at the tree...

We got a plan now Pete. Now be a man. Start with Tyler & Josh, then progress & soon success will intervene. I'm meaning, Patrick.

"Patrick? Agh, there are too many voices in my head. Can you just get out of my head for 5 minutes?"

Of course.

The squip disappears. Pete then noticed, he is standing near Mikey. "Mikey?" He did not reply. He covered himself with his hoodie, looking down in a depressed face. "Oh my god, I'm so glad to see you!" following him. "Really? So you haven't been avoiding me all day?"

"What are you talking about? I haven't even seen you since-"

Reactivate. It's called Optic Nerve Blocking.

"Why haven't I seen Mikey all day? Wait, what?" Talking to the squip.

I have access to your optic nerves. I have been blocking Michael from your field of vision.

"Pete? Why are you standing there all creepy and stuff?" In Mikey's view, he is looking at nowhere, twitching.

Mikey is a link to Pete 1.0. To upgrade, you have to be willing to make sacrifices.

"Seriously, what's up with you? You've been acting shady ever since...since... It worked, didn't it? Pete! That's amazing! We gotta test it, we gotta celebrate, we gotta- go to my house & maybe order something!"

"I'm gonna do it..."

"Do what?"

"Optic Nerve Blocking... On." Pete doesn't see Mikey on his vision anymore

Now, let's get to work.



My Heathers fanfic got 100 views! Still, someone. Plz, gimmie an act 2 script.

Be More Chill: Emo Bands AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang