(1) I Love Play Rehearsals

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"I guess evolution isn't for everyone." Pete & Mikey are outside the room for rehearsal & Pete is scared to go in. "You didn't have to do it. But, now, I will mock you forever if you don't." Mikey gives hm an early punishment. Pete takes a deep breathe & goes in the room.

"... Yo!" He became nervous. It's just him & Patrick in the room. "Yo."

"Is this where you meet up for the play?"

"Nope. This is where you meet for the swim team. I'm joking."

"I'm Pete. I mean..." Pete stands there quietly, realizing his mistake.

"Are you ok?"


"You seem nervous."

"No, I always... Sweat this much."

"I get it. You're a virgin. 1st play rehearsal!"

"You think I'm nervous abut it?"

"Why else would you be shaking? A lot?"

"Haha... Yeah, totally freaked."

"It's okay. You never forget your 1st. Coming here is the highlight."

"Of your day?"

"Yeah right. Of my life!" He tells Pete.

I love play rehearsal
Because it's the best!
Because it is fun
I  love play rehearsal
& I get depressed as soon as it's done

But not depressed as in like kill yourself depressed
No, I'm not into self-harm
Dude, I swear, here check my arm!
See, I just use the word to emphasize a point,
Show the passion I have got
I am passionate a lot
I have mad, gigantic feelings,
Red & frantic feelings,
About most everything
Like gun control, like spring,
Like if I'm living up to all I'm meant to be.

I love play rehearsal,
'Cause you are equipped with direction & text,
ife is easy in rehearsal,
ou follow a script so you know what comes next.

"I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I guess a part of me just wants to."  Patrick apologises. "It's alright. So, where's everyone else?" Pete tries to stop himself from getting attached. "We've been slipping in membership lately. I guess it's just the 2 of us-".

The teacher & others enter. "Aw, shit." Pete thought that he had the time to be with Patrick, alone. "Thank god, the popular students have arrived. So you know me. Mr. Urie from Drama Class. I've been dreaming of the say I get to do William Shakespeare's classic 'A Midsummer Night's dream'-"

"Yes!" Patrick excitedly screams. "& today, that dream dies."


"& is reborn. Just slightly mutated. The school informed me that, unless I increase our popularity, our funds will be diverted. To the Frisbee Golf Team. Which is why our production will be set, not in a forest, but a apocalyptic future. Instead of frolicking with fairies, there will be fleeing. From zombies.

"Don't you care about Shakespeare?"

"The man is dead. Let it be forgotten. We will now have a 5 minute break so I can finish my milk." Then everyone went outside except for Pete, Patrick & Joe. "Hey. You were in that play last year." Joe talks to Patrick.

"You mean Romeo & Juliet?"

"Yeah, you were that boy who died!"

"You mean Romeo?"

"Yeah! That was a little depressing."


"You were good though. I'm Joe."

"Uh, I know."

"Cool... Can I say something stupid? When I saw you die in the play last year, That was the saddest I'd felt in a long time. Until, you got up at the end for your victory dance."

"Bow, it's called a bow."

"Right! I remember thinking "That's good. Before I even get a chance to know him." Stupid, right?"

"That's not stupid at all."

"Cool. A bunch of us are going out after practice today. You should join..." He sees Pete's backpack, "Hey, dude. Someone wrote Boyf on your backpack." He goes out the room.

"So, I heard this thing about how humans aren't evolving anymore?" He tries to disturb Patrick. "I'm sorry, Pete. Did you say something?"

"Forget it." Pete had his chances but, failed again. Patrick then leaves, looking for Joe.



I don't know anything about Shakespeare. pLZ FORGIVE ME

Oh also, I'm gonna slam this link to your face: http://l-oosestitch.tumblr.com/post/166087624495/stop-supporting-defending-and-joking-about-the

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