Untill she sees him again

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Sometimes Percy would spend days locked up in his small apartment simply staring at the ceiling.

Sometimes he would forget to eat and take his pills.

And sometimes Percy did remember to take his pills, but then he would forget he took them and take them twice.

Anabeth, who sometimes had to come over to Percy's apartment to be sure he was still breathing, thought the chemical imbalance was Percy's biggest problem.

Percy thought his biggest problem was his lack of a left hand, but he hated to correct Anabeth.

Anabeth was Percy's childhood best friends. The blond grey eyed girl moved into Percy apartment complex when Percy was 12.

Anabeth was Percy's salvation. She single handedly gave Percy a place to hide out from Gabe, tutored Percy, beat up guys who messed with the pair, and even put up with Percy's passion for drawing on her.

Percy often made jokes that Anabeth was Percy's personal canvas considering the girl was covered in Percy's best pieces.

Yet now Anabeth felt a little like Percy's babysitter.

Since the city hall massacre Percy had been quiet and sad and a total mess.

The first few months were the hardest. Percy wouldn't go to work. He even, in a burst of sudden rage filled strength, destroyed most of his art supplies.

He busted open canvases and pored paint onto his floor. He snapped paintbrushes and ripped through water color paper.

Sometimes Percy would snap at Anabeth or at people who stared.

Anabeth tried to explain to Percy that it was difficult for people to not look.

His left arm was cut off at the shoulder and the surrounding area was corrupted by scars.

Some of the scars were scary. A particularly nasty one witch crawled up Percy's collar bone and up through his neck across towards Percy's ear caused a little girl to cry in a Walmart.

Anabeth had convinced percy to finally go out and get some grocery's with her just a month after the incident. Percy had grudgingly admitted defeat and shadowed Anabeth through the store.

They stopped to debate over turkey or real bacon for both Percy and Anabeth's respective apartments when a little girl sitting in a cart looked at Percy's arm and started to cry.

She pointed at Percy's scars and started to scream and cry and call for her mommy.

The mother tried in vain to apologies to Percy, but her daughter demanded her attention so she hurriedly rushed out of the aisle.

Needless to say Percy got worst after the Walmart fiasco.

Things with Percy were really bad for a while.

He would drink too much, eat too little and take too many pain meds ( accident or on purpose even Percy didn't know).

Yet what Anabeth called the month of solitude, a month which consisted of Percy talking to no one and nearly overdosing on pain meds, had caused Anabeth  and Percy's other friends to confront percy about going to therapy.

He eventually relented.

And things got better.

Percy got rachel, who specialized in cover up tattoos) to replace Percy's scars with ocean waves and birds and flowers and what ever other happy thing Percy and rachel could think of.

Percy started working again and attending therapy twice a week.

He cleaned up his apartment and even purchased new supplies.

Everything was going so well...

And yet....

Something happened?

Anabeth wasn't sure. One moment Percy's seemed on the road to recovery and then out of the blue she sees him sitting on a park bench in the freezing cold wearing a t shirt and jeans while smoking a cigarette.

And then he isn't talking to her and ditching work and therapy and is all sad and moody just like when it all happened.

But then, hours later, he would be fine again.

She wasn't sure sure what Percy was going through and it scared her that she couldn't help.

She couldn't even talk to his therapist because she wasn't family.

It was all very frustrating.

But Anabeth couldn't help the part of her that was happy for percy. She was proud of him for finally starting to move on, even if he was keeping her in the dark.

Anabeth tried to remind herself that she didn't need to know every little thing about Percy, but still....

When Percy forgets to call her and forgets about their plans she gets a little worried. She is always afraid he is gonna be sitting in his bathroom with slit wrist or hanging from a rope attached to his ceiling. She is terrified she is going to find his overdosed deceased body laying on his shitty blue carpet.

But after she frantically calls him half a dozen times and is more than halfway to his apartment Percy answers the phone and explains how he has to stay late at work or is with his mom.

And then Anabeth feels okay, well until she sees him again.

She misses the old percy.

The happy percy.

He was always so happy and exited.

Anabeth admitted that a lot of this happiness was do to Percy's past boyfriend Nico but even after the breakup he was all smiles and jokes.

But because of that fucking jackass percy Hated everything.

He hated peoples simpathy, he hated government buildings, he hated his designs and paintings, he hated his friends and family's insistence of getting help. But above all he hated himself.

And that was what truly changed him.

Not the loss of an arm or the war zone like day that ended people's life. What really changed him was the way he flat about himself after all that.

He blamed himself.

So he hated himself.

Okay super late I know and really short but I thought you guys might wanna see how those close to Percy feel.
As always thx for reading 💕

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