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Today, Percy decided, was a bad day.

He had called in sick to work.

The thought spiral was all consuming today.

Percy couldn't deal with it.

All today was a fucking time reel of the past. It was flashes of light, sounds of screaming, memory's of red water surrounding him.

And his face.

Ethan's face.

Percy didn't know the guy personally. He was a face Percy might of seen at a party in high school or passed in the halls. Luke was the only one of Percy's friends who knew the guy.

Luke was dead now.

And so was Ethan.

His fucking face.
His fucking dying breaths and bloody figure was all percy could remember of him now.

He was the one who did all this to Percy.

The one who gave Percy PTSD, dysthymia, and prolonged moments of disillusionment.

Ethan was the one who took Percy's left hand.

Well at least the bomb he was wearing when he walked into city hall that fateful morning did.

Percy didn't feel it when in happened. The doctors said he was in shock. But when he woke up the next morning the pain was all consuming.

He still didn't understand how an injury that wouldn't kill you could hurt so much.

Before the incident Percy would said if he would of lost his left hand it wouldn't of been that big of a deal. He was right handed after all and as an artist that was he only hand that mattered.

But he was quick realized how many thing he used both hands to do: opening up packages and water bottles, tying his shoes, washing the dishes, all of the simple things he used to be able to do.

And yet now he couldn't.

Percy tried to angry with Ethan. He tried so fucking hard to blame someone else but he couldn't. All the blame was on himself.

He shouldn't of gotten the parking ticket in the first place.

He shouldn't of been in line.

He should of talked to Ethan in high school and stop this from happening.

He should of asked why.


It stared with something simple

Ethan and Jason ran into each other in line for a movie. It was a sappy romcom and since both were single they came alone in hopes that they wouldn't see anyone they knew while there.

The line was filled with love sick couples making out and the line itself moved at a snails pace.

Ethan had made a comment under his breath about PDA and Jason couldn't help but laughing out loud.

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