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(I changed some poems around so that my favorite could be first, so you may have already read this one and also Home which will be further.)
Everyone fits their life together,
each puzzle piece at a time.
each smile, each heartbreak at a time.
And their puzzles
make bigger pictures.
And their puzzle pieces
have bigger meanings.
Everyone fits their puzzles together
with seemingly ease.
Complications hidden from sight,
a perfect puzzle with fitted pieces.

I cannot say that I am special
although I would like to be.
My puzzle is unknown,
my pieces not fitting.
I cannot even make the edges,
or enjoy a single piece.
As soon as I start to make a corner,
The pieces do not match and
it starts to fall apart.
My own puzzle crumbling between my fingers,
the dust of what used to be
molding into a new puzzle piece.

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