Chapter 9

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The next morning, at Stark's Tower, Steve woke up first. He got dressed and went to the kitchen to see if anyone was already awake. He found Bruce at the counter making some coffee.

"Hey! How long have you been up?" Steve asked the scientist while searching for the milk in the fridge.

"A while... But I have to go back to the lab. I have some things to do."


But Bruce didn't answer, too busy thinking about his experiment. He grabbed his cup of coffee and headed back to the lab leaving Steve alone.

" 'Morning Bruce." Natasha smiled as she walked by him but no answers as he walked right passed her.

She looked at Steve with a confused look on her face.

"Don't look at me. I don't know what's going on." He replied, shrugging.

Natasha searched in the kitchen cupboard for the blueberry pop tarts box. She filled a glass of milk and started eating. Steve watched her as she hesitated before taking the first bit.

"What is it, Natasha?"

"I can't stop thinking about this whole thing. How could they disappear from the surface of the earth? Even Thor is not worried as I am. He thinks that as long Charlotte stays with Jane, they will be okay. But how come Charlotte hasn't given us a sign yet. I mean she has the most special powers no one can ever have and she can't even get herself out of trouble. How come we got no sign from her? And Clint...Pfft... He is so down on himself. I heard him cry last night for hours before he could finally fall asleep."

"I know, I heard him too. Maybe she can't use her powers for some reason. Or she's... "Steve started but couldn't finish his phrase, unable to think that she could be already dead.

Thor walked in the kitchen. Unbothered, he grabbed the pop tarts box in front of Natasha and started eating.

"Does anyone have news from Jane, yet? Or Charlotte?" He asked with a mouthful of blueberry stuff and dry paste.

Steve shook his head as Tony came to join them.

" 'Morning..." He scolded yawning.

" 'Morning." They replied.

"You seem tired Tony. What's going on?" Natasha said sarcastically.

"Not in the mood. I heard Clint cry for four hours last night. I'm so sorry for him. If Pepper would have disappeared too, I don't know what I would have done..."

"Come on, Brothers. Charlotte is with Jane and probably all the other women. I'm sure she is trying to find her way out." Thor said, trying to cheer them up a little, him as well.

But it wasn't that easy.

**At the same time**

Thor was wrong. Charlotte wasn't trying to find a way out. She was trying to stay calm, but she had a rough night of self torture. Seeing her life as a lie that she made was too painful. This meant nobody at Stark Tower, not one Avenger really liked her. Her marriage with Clint was a setup and the new life inside of her belly was made of lies and influences. How could she be so selfish? How could she have done such a thing just to have a normal life? Hating herself, getting crazier as the hours passed, she thought about how Clint's life would be if she was dead. It would forget about her and all those moments they spent together as it was all on her control. Suddenly, a crazy thought came up in her insane brain.

"This is not true. It's a dream, it's only a dream!" A crazy laugh rolled up her throat. "It has to be a dream."

The door opened slowly and Doctor Evil came in.

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