•Chapter Seven•

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"I can't believe it's come down to this."
Johnny said,tearing up. I continued reading.
"January fourteenth twenty eighteen.
Today was an okay day,you can say. I feel like a needle. Why? Well I feel like a needle has been poking at my skin,waiting for a reaction- it pokes and pokes and pokes and pokes- until finally my skin lets it poke deep,deeper than the needle has  ever been before and that's when the thrusty,cold,juicy red icy blood pours out of my arm. I feel like a balloon. Why? Because I've had friends (Helium) which support me to stay on my feet,aka the air and when the helium pops,the balloon flies on the ground,(like my self confidence) and then someone else comes and steps all on me. Like the balloon,an animal comes and steps on the balloon,ruins it into shreds,and just like that- nobody cares for the balloon anymore.Gotta go- Maddie's calling me for dinner.Goodbye,see you later.
-Mackenzie Frances Ziegler."
"Whoa.Mackenzie wrote something really deep." Lauren pointed out.
"Well-I'm not sure who this is about. Everyone's nice to Kenzie,right?" I asked. "I mean who couldn't?" Hayden asked. "We need to get to the bottom of this." I said. "Bottom of what?" Asked Ruby.
"Bottom of who made Mackenzie feel like this."

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