•Chapter Six•

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After I finished sobbing which seemed like forever,I smacked myself in the face and looked. Kenzie had pictures of us on her wall with her polaroid. I miss her so much. I picked up one of the pictures and held it tight and put it back down. First I checked under her pillows. Nope. Then under the bed. Nothing. I then looked in her trash can,which had nothing- but it had a drawing,and the drawing was of a ice cream cone. I'm definitely keeping that. I checked her closet,her drawers and her cabinets. Nope! No diary. Then I realized that her mirror that was connecting to her drawers had a huge gap between the wall and mirror. "That's odd." I whispered. I stuck my hand in the gap to find a big book that said "MACKENZIE'S DIARY". I FOUND IT! Yey! I then took the diary and screamed out loud, "GUYS I FOUND IT!"
"You found it?" Maddie asked,hopelessly.
"Yeah..." I said holding it up.
"Oh my god. Mackenzie was such a secretive person. Lauren,how'd you know she writes in a diary?" Johnny asked.
"She told me she had a diary once." Lauren replied.
"Let's just read already!" Ruby pleaded.
"I'm kinda anxious to read this too." Nadia admitted.
"I'm ready." Hayden said,as I opened the first page.
"The first page has song lyrics.. But sad song lyrics.." I said.
"Read th-em." Maddie said,her voice was breaking. I feel so bad.
"Tap on my window,knock on my door,I wanna make you feel beautiful. I know I tend to get so insecure it doesn't matter anymore." When I read that,tears just came rolling down my cheek. Mackenzie being insecure? She was amazing! She wasn't fat or ugly Or anything. She was beautiful.
"Wait! Those are the lyrics to the song she will be loved by Maroon 5!" Hayden said. "We know Hay." I said back.
"I can't believe it's come to this."

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