•Chapter Four•

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I picked up the note. I read out loud.
"Dear whoever is reading this,
Hello. You found the last piece of me before I leave. Please,get my mom,my sister,my best friend (Annie),Ruby,Johnny ,Nadia and Hayden. All together. And read this out loud." "This is going to make me cry listening to this..." Lauren interrupted.
"We all are,Lauren." Hayden said patting her. "Wait! The note said to get her sister,aka Maddie,so we need to get her." Nadia pointed out,as she went and got her. Maddie was still crying as we all sat on the bed. I continued reading.
"I am writing this to make it perfectly clear. I did not die for Johnny. I am gone because he would love a girl who WOULD die for him. He liked Annie,he played me. And I wanted to show him I really do love him."
"Oh my god! She died for me!"Johnny exulted. 
"Shut up,Johnny!" I hissed. He rolled his eyes at me,as I continued to read.
"Anyway,Annie- if your reading this. God. I love you so much. You've been there for me since last year when we met for the first time. You are my soul sister,my best friend,my life,my world,my everything - and most importantly someone I looked up to. I could tell why Johnny would like you. You're a amazing person. You have supported me through everything! I couldn't have asked for a better bff! Thank you for being YOU,and liking me for being ME and not anyone else. Thank you for teaching me the right things and being amazing. I love you the most and you are my number one. Thank you Julianna Grace LeBlanc." Then was when everything came at me. Then is when I started the flood of tears and I couldn't stop. "I miss her so much..." I said crying into Lauren's arms as Hayden hugged me.
"Aw honey it's okay..." Melissa said comforting me. I continued to read. For Mackenzie. For us.
"Ruby- Rubs!! Oh my gosh I love you! You literally comforted me the day I posted that post on Instagram. Man,sHriMp tEmPurAs aRe gReAt!!😂 thank you for giving me endless laughs and memories with my polaroid. Thank you for being so sweet and making me binge watch Riverdale. Thank you for everything." Then,Ruby started crying her puddle. I patted her back and whispered that it's okay. I continued reading.
"Mom- mom.mom.mom. Thank you for raising me. And don't cry,everyone goes some day. Eventually you will to. Anyway, I love you so so much and thank you for always supporting me and being there for me. Take good care of Maddie while I'm gone haha. I love you momma." Melissa then couldn't take it. She left the room sobbing and ran into her room. I don't blame her. I would've done the same exact thing. I looked over at Maddie,and she needed me to read the rest,and I continued.
"Maddie- oh my. Maddie you are the best sister anyone can ever ask for. You've been so supportive,kind,and amazing. I love you sista! And , I love you a lot. Thanks for always being the first for letting me borrow your clothes. They're cute. Have fun with Jack,and don't have too much fun without me hahahah."
Maddie then looked at me. "I'm sorry Maddie.." Ruby said breaking the silence.
"It's okay,Rub. This isn't your fault. I just miss her a lot..."
"We all do,Mads." Hayden said. "Keep reading,Annie." Johnny demanded.
"Nadia- Nadia Nadia Nadia! I love you! We aren't that close,but you have been such a kind soul to me. Thank you,pretty girl."
"I wish I got to talk to her more before she left. She was such a kind and beautiful soul." Nadia admitted.
"It's okay,Nad." Lauren and Ruby replied. "Hey it's okay." I said patting her back.
"Hayden- Hayden. Thank you for being the best to my best friend."
I looked up at Hayden. "That's all?" He asked. "Yeah.." I replied. "I wish I can tell her your welcome." Hayden said,tearing up as I hugged him.
"Johnny- oh Johnny. We've been through a lot. But I want you to know,this is not your fault. I love you."
"THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" Johnny raged. "John,stop!" Lauren pleaded.
"I hate myself." Johnny said collapsing back onto the bed. "Last sentence." I said.
"Thank you for reading this. Love you.
-Mackenzie Frances Ziegler."

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