"I love that silver tongue of yours."

Liza laughed, "Yes, I know you do." Liza kissed the top of her head. "Tell me more about Erin."

"She spent most of her teenage years being bounced from one foster home to the next and then to a state home until she turned 18 and joined the Army. That was almost a year ago."

"She's still a kid."

Grace laughed and turned to look up at Liza, "You were the same age."

"Yes but I was really mature for my age." Liza defended with a laugh.

Grace hummed in agreement as she kissed Liza's jawbone.

"Good thing for me that you think she's straight or you'd be trading me in."

"No chance of that. You're stuck with me." Grace said as she moved to straddle the brunette's hips.

Liza sat up and wrapped her arms around Grace, "I guess that makes me the luckiest woman in the world." Stretching up, she tenderly claimed Grace's mouth, caressing her back as she deepened the kiss.

When Liza pulled back slightly Grace pushed the brunette's hair back from her face. "I can't wait until you come home to me for good."

"Me either." Liza whispered before rolling the redhead to her back in order to torturously kiss her way down her body.

A few hours later and unable to sleep, Liza slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Grace. She made her way to her duffle bag to get out her cigar tube and carried it over to the fold-out desktop to do the most painful thing she's ever had to do in her life.

   'My love. If you're reading this then I broke my promise and didn't make it home to you......'

Through her tears Liza managed to finish the letter. She rolled it up and slipped it into the cigar tube and laid it down with her dog tags and photo wallet on our way back to bed. Grace was asleep on her stomach when Liza rejoined her. She gently moved her hair to expose her neck. Softly kissing the warm flesh. As Liza made it halfway down Grace's back the redhead moaned as she stretched her body.

"That feels so wonderful!"

Liza wrapped her arms around Grace, holding her in place as she kissed back up to her neck. "Promise me that if something happens to me you'll find someone to be happy with."

Grace tried to roll over but Liza wouldn't allow it.

"Promise me."


"You have to. I need you to. Please!" Liza softly cried into her ear. "Promise me."

"Liza, look at me."

"I can't."

"Then I can't promise you." Grace replied.

Liza relaxed her hold so that Grace could roll over.

Grace wiped the tears from Liza's cheeks before grabbing her hand with her own. Placing Liza's palm flat on her chest she asked, "Do you feel this?" Using one hand to hold Liza's in place she used the other to cup Liza's face to make the brunette look at her. "My heart only beats for you Liza Dawes. Nobody else. Do you hear me?" She waited for a response. When Liza nodded her head yes Grace added "If you need me to say it just so you can hear it I will but it's a promise I won't be able to keep."

"I'm sorry. I was wrong to ask." Liza leaned her forehead to Grace's, "I love you, please forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive. I love you too." Grace pulled Liza down and wrapped her arms around her. "Have you slept at all?"

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