"She says there's a dent from your hard head." Cali laughed.

"It's not funny." Liza said angrily.

"I'm trying to lighten the mood Liza." Cali retorted.

Liza groaned as she rubbed her hands over her face and into her hair. "I'm sorry," she sighed.

"Knock, knock." The nurse called when she came in. "Grace, are you ready to get that IV out?" She stopped between Liza and Cali, taking a couple of toothbrushes out of her pocket, "Who would like one of these?" She laughed when Cali and Grace both grabbed for them.

Cali disappeared into the bathroom while the nurse put gloves on to remove Grace's IV. Liza helped Grace up and stood with her when she got out of bed to wait for the bathroom. Cali handed over the toothpaste when she came out.

"You okay in there by yourself?" Cali asked Grace.

"Yes." She stepped to the sink, leaving the door open.

"Where's her truck?" Liza asked Cali.

"It's down in the parking lot. They dropped it off here last night for us." Cali answered.

"I've got my bike, so I'll follow you to the apartment." Liza said.

"You rode your bike here?" Grace asked when she came out of the bathroom.

"Yes. It was faster." Liza replied.

"And more dangerous!" Grace commented.

Liza stepped to Grace and cupped her face in her hands to bring her closer, "The only thing I had on my mind was getting to you as fast as I could and at the time the bike was fastest."

Just as Grace was about to object further two nurses came in with three trays of breakfast. Sophie got Grace set up with hers while the other nurse set the other two trays down.

Sophie looked at Liza, "Are you Sergeant Dawes?"

"Yes ma'am."

Sophie smiled at being called ma'am, "There's a police officer asking for you, shall I send him in?"

"Yes, thank you." Puzzled, Liza figured it was the detective.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and it slowly opened when Cali said come in.

"Sarge?" a deep voice called out.

"Dalton?" Liza inquired before seeing the big man step into the room.

"Yes Sergeant." He answered nervously, "I don't want to impose Sarge."

"You're not." Grace said, remembering the quiet giant from Liza's last Battle Assembly.

He stepped to Grace and held his hand out to her, "Ma'am, how are you?"

Smiling, "I'm good, thank you."

"How did you know we were here?" Liza asked. She stood and set her tray down, it was an automatic impulse to be on her feet when one of her squad was around.

Dalton stepped back and turned to Liza, "I've been assigned as part of the escort that's transporting that bast..." He cleared his throat, "the assailant to lock up." He looked from Grace to Cali and back, "Please pardon my language ma'ams."

"It's okay...." Grace broke off, not knowing his name.

"Dalton ma'am. Steve Dalton." He provided.

"It's okay Steve." She nodded toward Cali, "This is my sister Cali."

"Yes ma'am, I recognize you from Sarge's pictures. Pleasure to finally meet you though." He stepped to Cali and offered his hand to her.

Cali nodded and shook his hand. When he turned back to Liza she looked at the brunette questioningly.

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