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(A/n) happy late birthday to Yoongs!!

My eyes fluttered open when feeling something nudging me. I came face to face with a dog that stared at me with a happy expression.

My eyes widened when I feeling a fluffy pillow holding my head, layers of blankets giving me warmth and comfort and a mattress for soft and bouncy

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My eyes widened when I feeling a fluffy pillow holding my head, layers of blankets giving me warmth and comfort and a mattress for soft and bouncy.

My eyes left the dog and looked around the unfamiliar room. It was really neat bedroom but I could easily tell it was a guys bedroom. A framed picture of a boy and a girl was placed on the bedside table. The boy had his arm around her neck pulling her into what seemed like an uncomfortable hold for the girl. The corner of my lips tugged upwards into a smile of recognition.


My attentions turned back to the dog that jumped up onto the bed and started licking my face. The dog wasn't a big one, it was a smaller breed of dogs. It had a collar around its neck with small writing on it.


"Huh, your name sounds familiar." I smiled ruffling the playful dogs head. The door opened while I was preoccupied with the dog.

"Oh good you're awake." Hoseoks smile lit up the room as he entered with a tray full of food. My eyes followed his as set the food on the bedside table. A warming scent that I haven't smelt since I was a child inhaled through my nose. I stared at the food that was placed before me pancakes, fluffy and golden, strips of bacon laid next to them, a little kid of sugary goodness just waiting to be poured onto the perfectly circular pancakes and two glasses filled with orange juice.

"Have you ever had pancakes?" Hoseok broke my trance with the food.

"I have.... but not in a long time." I sighed. I smiled up up at him who placed a plate on your lap with a knife and fork.

"We can eat in bed today." He patted my head gently.

I smiled up to him thankfully. We both ate in comfortable silence. I took my time with each bite, savouring the taste of the sweet fluffy pancakes left in my mouth as I didn't know the next time I would be able to enjoy something so delicious.

"I'll take this, come out when you feel like it. You can use my bathroom to freshen up." He took the tray of now empty plates and cups. "Come on Mickey! Girls need their privacy." He left with Mickey chasing after him now leaving me alone.

I opened the door to his bathroom, seeing a brand new toothbrush placed on the bench. I cleaned myself up, washing my face, cleaning my teeth etc. As I was tying up my freshly cut hair, I heard the door knock.

"Ara? I have some clothes my sister said you can borrow, I'll leave them on the bed." Hoseoks voice called out through the door. When I heard him close his bedroom door, I entered back into his room. I looked at the clothes that sat themselves on his bed. It was a sweater paired with black jeans. As I put them on, I could see how lovely they went together. The sweater had red, yellow and black diamonds decorating it. It was oversized, so much that the sleeves completely hid my hands. (sWeAtER pAWs)

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