Chapter 20 - Whisky

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The sun was setting quite nicely just on the skyline of the short yet impressive city. Victor hummed lightly as if he was agreeing with his own analysis. His mind was racing, yet at the same time completely still. As he starred from his window he thought about everything, his father the stern man that had reprimanded him only earlier, the only man that had ever could make him feel less than confident in his work. Finnegan and his demands for a monster, an undead thing that shouldn’t exist. And Melanie, the beautiful creature that enticed him, made him feel things he hadn’t felt in such a long time.

“So, what’s this then?” Victor hadn’t even heard the footsteps of his housemate as he had entered the room. He turned slowly to face Igor, the man truly was impressive, he couldn’t understand why he was so reluctant to help create Finnegan’s monster.

Not that it mattered anymore any way, his plans were stupid, his ideas ruined. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to burn it all away.

“Finnegan’s project. An artificial man, a modern’s stupid. The research is pointless,” How could he have ever thought that this would amount to anything. His research, his stupid theories about death. You couldn’t reverse the effects, they couldn’t be brought back. 

He couldn’t be brought back.
Igor looked down at the blue print in his hands, for a moment he feels a rage bubbling inside him. How could Victor, a man that saved him from the circus and run from the law, be broken down by a few harsh words from a stiff old man.

But as his eyes rested upon the pathetic frame of his closest companion he softened.
The plans were really something, Victor was close, yet a few things needed correcting, remodelling.

“It’s also not big enough.”

“…what?” Victors voice came off harsher than he meant.

“Gordon was fast, sure...but he couldn’t muster much strength at all. Seemed to be having a hard time breathing” Igor smiled as he watched his friend perk up just a tiny bit.

Melanie wasn’t quite sure what was happening, she had seen Victor get very distant after his fathers visit. Both her and Igor had noticed it but neither knew quite what to do, Igor suggested that they left him for a moment so that is what she had done.

But as she had re-entered the house after buying a new load of groceries she could hear loud talking coming from the main room.

“Lightning!” Melanie entered the room just in time to see Victor bounce up from the floor and scramble over to his desk “I have just the thing- one of my earliest designs for the Lazarus sucked energy out of the air, surely a larger version could, create a static burst similar to lightning, or, in theory,” He spoke very quickly, you could almost feel the excitement that he gave off.

Pulling a blue print from the pile he slid back over to Igor’s side, “How would it handle the energy- I mean we can’t simply make bigger organs?”

“Two sets of lungs.” Melanie spoke before realising, both men snapped their heads up to look at her surprised by her sudden entrance, “oh sorry I uh-“

“Ha! Aha! Yes, brilliant! Not just lungs, either, two hearts, as well, keep the blood flowing through that bigger body!” He smiled a child like grin at her before proceeding to take some chalk and sketch the ideas on the large wooden floor.

“I’m going to put the groceries away, Shall I get some whiskey?” Victors eyes where ablaze.

Yes! Do that!

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