Chapter 16 ~ A Man

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I sigh as I watch the two men I hold dear argue. It's the first time I've ever seen it happen and I cannot help but be heartbroken at the sight. 

"It was bloody homicidal!" Igor screams glaring at Victor. They'd been at this for a few moments and I'd decided that it would be better if I remained out of it. 

"There was no way I could've known-" Victor hisses a low tone to his voice. 

"But Victor you could've helped, you could've done something-" Igor interrupts as I  try to ignore them the best I can. It reminded me too much of when my parents fought, which even though was rare brought the worst sort of dread. I feared that if this argument didn't calm down then I would be forced to loose one of them.

"I did do something, I saved your life! What was I meant to do, spring up like a jack-in-the-box after it pummeled me into a wall, say how-ya-do and take it down with a crisp uppercut? What did you want-" I hold back a smile at Victors harsh words, even during an argument he kept his humor. Seeing Igor's aggravated features I decide that this is enough and turn  to face them both.

"Stop it, The both of you grow up," I glared at Victor daring him to challenge me, "Even though Gordon was homicidal we still made progress, he could walk and, well, attack, so will the both of you stop acting like squabbling children!"

The two gave a me a blank stare before finally their shoulders sagged showing defeat. Smiling a little to myself I jumped at the sudden hand on my shoulder. Following it back up to its owner I discovered that Finnegan had decided to but into our conversation.

"Am I to understand that you built that? " His eyes focused solely on Victor his gaze unwavering. 

"Yes," a grim smile appeared on Finnegan's face as his arm slid over my shoulders. I could tell that it unsettled Victor as he did this, something that for some reason made me happy.

"I apologize. I misjudged you. Your flaws, though they're...glaring and massive, are merely social...not intellectual." I felt like it was hard for him to give Victor a compliment. My eyes wandered to Igor who stood still his jaw set. I could tell that he did not like Finnegan, well that made two of us. "I find your work astonishing...and to be perfectly frank, brilliant. Brilliant! Quite beyond my own ability to comprehend. Could you create another one? " 

Victor's face lit up a little at the question, "I could, and a whole lot more beside. But that would take considerable resource." Finnegan snorted at the question and I felt his hand slip down my back til his rested on the small of my back.

"As you are aware, I do come from the third richest family in England. As a result, I can provide you with whatever it is you so require. In that case, yes. And when you say... more?" Victor seemed to distracted to notice the sudden change in his hands movements, I tried to move but was halted by the hand that gripped firmly onto the material of my dress. 

What on earth was he doing?

"A man. A thinking, intelligent being." Victor's blue eyes held excitement at the prospect of this new task and it was incredibly adorable.

"Can we discuss this?" Igor's voice comes from out of no where making me turn to face the slightly disgruntled man.

"I like this ambition. " Finnegan adds in as Igor pulls Victor to the side leaving me alone with Finnegan. I hesitantly look up at him, his brown eyes are watching me with a vulture like gaze, a small smiled plays on his lips as his hand slowly traced along my cheek. "I could make you rich."

I watched as he slunk away from me leaving a very bemused look on my face. What was that about. Blinking slowly I looked back at Victor and Igor who where now back to talking to Finnegan.

"I'll want  another demonstration. I want to know whether you can take direction. Follow orders, so to speak. Is that a problem?" He asked it as if making a man was nothing at all.

"Victor, we cannot,"

"No." Igor sent a sharp glare in Victor's direction.

"Excellent." And with that Finnegan was gone. 

The One and Only...Victor Frankensteinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें