Chapter 11 ~ Out On The Town

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A cold breeze swept through the dark streets that we walked upon. The typical late night London smog filled the air as I once again became lost in my thoughts the sounds of Victor and Igor's conversation becoming muffled.

I had been plagued by thoughts of the horrifying dream That haunted me the night before. I had begun to wonder if perhaps the path Victor was treading was in fact a righteous one. Maybe doing the work of a God was not fit for a mortal man.

I'm sure that all great men of anatomy thought this once. I could practically envision the great Vesalius hesitating to cut up his first body but doing so anyway in the per suite of knowledge.

But this felt different, we weren't looking for knowledge, we were looking for a cure. A cure for death.

Perhaps we were on the right path, but what seemed most likely was that any moment god would smite us down for messing with his work.

Of course I hadn't shared my doubts with either Igor or Victor. Things had gotten awkward enough between me and Victor as it was he had no reason to know of my doubts about his work.

"Oh I don't- I- I don't know, he's a very busy man, and he- his schedule, you know."

Victors voice brought me out off my deep thoughts. I wondered who this 'he' was, perhaps I should have been paying attention to the full conversation. Igor seemed most interested in the person of topic. 

"You mentioned he had a library?"

"The biggest personal collection of medical texts in Britain, yes, you could say he has a library-"

My mind boggled at the very thought, I used to believe that my fathers collection was large but to be the proud owner of the largest collection in Britain. It would be unbelievably amazing.

"Do you think he has a copy of Thompson's?" Sir Henry Thompson was a personal hero of mine and to think that someone Victor knew would possibly own one of his prestigious books was breath taking.  

"Thompson's Anatomy? Well, it's rare but, I mean, of course-"

"Do you think we might go there?" The two men seemed to jump at the sound of my voice, as if they had forgotten I was with them. Victor took a moment to access the excitement on my face before a small smile reached his own. 

"What's this fixation on Thompson's the two of you seem to posses?" Blushing I averted my eyes to my hands not willing to look at the smirk on his face any longer because of the growing pit of butterflies in my stomach. I could almost sense Victor's smirk widen  as I did so.

"In the circus, I had a copy. It was a great inspiration to me." My hand flew up to the heart pendant on my neck and I began to run my fingers over it the cool metal calming the persistent creatures swarming my insides. 

I looked at Victor the man seem slightly frightened something I had never seen in my brief time knowing him. Even when we were almost caught in the circus he looked far more excited then frightened. 

 "Well, I- you know, he doesn't let me- give me access, I'm just a young man-" he paused as if collecting his thoughts, "he'd be so angry if he found out I'd been touching his books- oh, look, here we are!"

I look up to see an extremely fancy looking club. The words "The Exeter" are printed above the door and I suddenly realise that Victor's idea of a Night out where vastly different than mine. The place seemed awfully crowded and loud, I began  to worry about how Igor would react to this. 

"Oh...Master Victor, I don't know if I'm suited for all this-" The small man speaks, worry evident in his voice. 

"All you need to do is keep your back straight, your words clean, and try your damndest not to embarrass me."



I sigh and hang my head as I look upon my friend, he was drunk, so very drunk. A few ladies had come to join us and I think Victor was set on scaring them away. In some ways seeing him this drunk was amusing and a side I'm sure I would not often be allowed to see. The ladies that had come to join us where quite pretty, but they seemed fairly focused on Igor, who seemed to have something else on his mind. 

"I'm just saying the act- of FERTILIZATION- can take place outside of the woman's body. The sperm, the sperm can move-" He paused to hiccup, " The sperms can move into the egg, say, in a saucer, some sort of heated basin-" 

The idea was almost laughable, and even if it was possible what reason would we have to need such a process. 

"And where does the mother figure into this, then?" One of the women spoke, her brown eyes cast with confusion and a dash of anger. 

"Well, you'd- after you impregnate the egg, you get a funnel- and then know- into the woman-" I could no longer contain my self and burst out laughing at Victor's poor idea and hand gestures. 

"Oh, that's just wretched." The other woman spoke, casually flicking her red hair over her shoulder. 

"IT'S THE FUTURE! Igor, tell them, Melanie,  assist me in this, this valuable endeavor!" He looks at me pointedly his eyes glazed over with alcohol and joy.

"Oh no you're on your own, I agree with my fellow women," He huffed and looked at Igor for a response.

But the man was distracted by something at the bar, whatever it was his eyes watched it intently and soon he was rising from his seat.


Both women groan in disappointment but Igor is already up and gone, clumsily pushing his way through the club. I sigh and hope whatever he was looking for he finds. I turn to see Victor downing another glass of whatever it is he was drinking. The red head has left, but the brown eyed girl has remained seated at our table I think interested in Victors drunk antics.

After drinking another glass in one go Victor swiftly moved the conversation topic on what seemed to be something he rather enjoyed. 


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