Chapter 17 ~ Better Use For Anger

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(A/N: The last chapter was supposed to be called A Man, but it wouldn't save for some reason)

"You did not create this technology, yet you presume to tell me how to use it? Know your place. I will not let your own ignorance of the world at large stand in the way of the progress of my experiments." I sigh as they once again resume their bickering. 

"But Victor, surely-"

"Have you already forgotten what I did for you at the circus?"  At these words Igor falls silent. It's harsh for Victor to bring this up and for a moment I consider telling him so. But as much as I know  I should stand up for Igor I don't want to be the bearer of Victors rage. 

"This is my destiny, this is your destiny, Finnegan is our only ally and we will build him a whole damn zoo of homunculi if it means furthering our research, am I understood?"

"...Yes Mast- Yes Victor."


Undoing the ribbons that keep my dress tight I let the material slip to the floor and stand in the center of Victor's room in my undergarments. Turning I go to pick up my night gown which should be on the dresser where I placed it, but it is not. Sighing I open the wardrobe that Victor allows me to store my dresses in I sift through the sea of material but I still can't find it. 

"Melanie?" At the sound of Victor's voice I am filled with panic. I am suddenly reminded that I am just in my Undergarments as I hear the door slowly swing open. With a squeak I try to cover myself with my hands as a blushing Victor stares at me. "I-I'm sorry I thought you'd be dressed."

"Maybe you should've knocked," A light chuckle leaves his lips as he walks to his bedside and picks up a small note book. I watch as he picks it up and pauses, turning to face me a serious look has shadowed over his features. 

He still looks just as handsome as when I first saw him. His brilliant blue eyes starring right into my very soul as his lips part slightly. 

"I'm sorry Melanie," Frowning I watch as he moves closer to me, "I'm sorry for what happened today, I was so harsh, those things I said I-" I cut him off by placing a finger to his lips. His eyes bore into mine as we stand before one another, My free hand reaches up to run over the smooth surface of my heart necklace something that I had not done for a small while. The feel of it under my fingers gives me the confidence to do something I probably would never have even considered. 

Moving my finger from his lips I replace them with my own lips, a passionate kiss ensues as Victors arms wrap their way around my waist and my own hand plunge into his dark head of hair. His beard tickles my chin much like before and I can't help but tug his face closer. 

His hands move to run up and down my sides tracing my curves, pulling away slightly I feel his breath ghost my lips. 

"I love you Victor," With wide eyes he doesn't have time to respond before I've connected our lips once more. I feel his hands slip under my undershirt. His hands are cold on my warm stomach as he grips my sides and pulls our bodies closer together. 

I don't even notice as he moves us over to the bed, only realising when i fall onto it. Victor's body lands on top of mine and for a moment we pull away. His weight feels good on me and my eyes keep flicking from his to his lips.

"I love you too Melanie."

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