Chapter 15~ Alive

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Victor and Igor stand at the front of the big lecture hall. The Gordon-Gurney and the dynamo are all set up. I smiled kindly down at them trying to install them with some kind of confidence. Who knew that Victor the man who caused such a ruckus in the club only last night was scared of a little public speaking.

I can tell from one glance that Igor if uncomfortable, his eyes focus mainly on Victor filled with concern. Finnegan who has taken to standing beside me huffs as if he is already bored. 

"Since the beginning of modern medicine, there has been an assumption regarding the nature of mortality, that being- that being that death is an unavoidable event whose inevitability should be taken for granted," There is a strange tremor in Victor's voice that I'm sure I'd never heard before "I aim to show that life is not some heavenly grace given to us by an all-powerful god but no- no instead that it is something natural-" 

"Get on with it!" The voice of the bratty red haired man called from beside me. His voice echoed in the almost empty all. The seven people that where in attendance looked at Victor and Igor with bored expressions paying absolutely no mind to Finnegan's shout. 

"Ah- uh, yes- indeed, I will- Igor, start up the dynamo." I watched filled with worry. I have never seen Victor so full of nerves before.                                                                                                                     

"Yes, Master"   

I glance up at Finnegan, he has an easy smirk on his face as he watches my friends fumble around. Silently I wish that I could've slapped that smirk off of his face but his earlier threat still rung in my ears and the very prospect of what he had insinuated caused shivers to run up and down my spine. Remaining in my seat I let my eyes rest once again on Victor. 

"I present to you! I present to all of you here, the brave few who came-"

"Poppycock!" I glare up at the prat before me as he once again Interrupts Victor's speech. The others in the room give a light chuckled and then return to silence once again. 

No wonder Victor hated school. If I was forced to come to a place such as this everyday with people much like Finnegan, I think I'd probably be dead. Taking a deep breath Victor continues. 

"I present to you, life by my own creation!" Yanking down the  bed sheet revealing Gordon to the entire room. The dead creature looks just as awful as he did when I first saw him, his flesh looks awful from this distance and the tubes and wires protruding from his body make him look like something from another planet.

A collective murmur of disgust fills the room, two members of Victors small audience get up and leave the hall. I make eye  contact with Victor who looks as scared as I'd ever seen him and send what I hope is an encouraging smile. 

" I built this homunculus out of parts primarily taken by from the London Zoo, which has had much difficulty in care of their exotic animals." His tone is rushed and I can tell that he's worried. His eyes scan the faces of everyone in the room as if hoping to find interest in at least one of them, "He is pri-primarily chimpanzee, but with help from my partner Igor, we have interlaced multiple individuals, multiple species- Igor is it ready, good- If you'll all come closer, please."

Four of the students stand begrudgingly, going to stand myself I am stopped by Finnegan who puts a tight grip on my shoulder and stays exactly where he is. Another person who I had not noticed before also remains in the stands. In a moment I realise who she is, The gymnast from the circus. It feels like so long ago when she fell, but what could she be doing here? I see that her eyes are locked onto something, following her gaze I see that she is starring at Igor. What was happening here?

"And now, through the miracle of electricity life!" Igor fires the dynamo and immediately dozens of flies explode from all over Gordon. A small scream leaves my lips at the horrific sight. The other students swear and vacate the room each looking quite annoyed.

" No no- wait, don't- Igor, shock him again, harder." I watch as Igor shocks Gordon again, but it is almost too late. Everyone besides Finnegan, the acrobat and I have left.  I jump as Finnegan begins to applaud. It's a slow sarcastic clap and not at all like the clap that Victor truly deserves.

"Frankenstein, you have lived up to your father's reputation, to your own expansive mythos of strangeness and perversion! Delightful! Spectacular, just- an exquisite show of depraved lunacy-" I glare at the bigoted idiot as he slates all of Victor's hard work.

"Again, harder!" Igor shocks Gordon again, nothing, I gasp as Victor shoves him out of the way and amps the dynamo all the way. I watch with pity filled eyes, he has to stop. For a moment I consider calling out to him but Finnegan beats me too it.

"Oh, so the show isn't over? I must say though, you'll be hard pressed to beat the flies, a really inspired moment of grotesque revulsion-" Victor ignores his calls and tries to shock Gordon again, this time the generator dies and sputters out black smoke. Finnegan finds this hysterical and laughs a little too loudly.

"What do you have planned next, perhaps a midget is hidden inside your rotting meat sculpture's stomach, ready to pop out with a bouquet of ro-" I'm about ready to jump up and give this vacuous mass of a man a clean hard slap across the cheek before I hear the very same thing that shut his mouth.

A low but gravely growl leaves Gordon. Finnegan for once is speechless and watches as Gordon blinks slowly.

"Ha! You see it's-" Everyone freezes as Gordon rips his right arm free of  the restraints and smashing Victor sending him flailing backwards into a black board which cracks in half on his impact. The other arm soon rips loose too and the creature stands on the slab looking at all of us.

Finnegan stands straight, watching the animal intently. He mutters something but I do not care enough to listen as my eyes are focused solely on Gordon. Fearless with the entitled bravado of the truly wealthy, Finnegan rushed down to Gordon as it got up.

Gordon turns on him, leaping up onto the podium ahead of him and blocking his path- He stands perfectly still. Gordon roars, an unnatural, painful sound, and Finnegan falls on his ass, before the creature turns and gracefully springboards off the wall, crashing out through a window to the roof.

"Brilliant." Now that Finnegan is no longer at my side I run from my seat and over to the side of Victor. 

He's bleeding from his head a little but besides that there's no real damage that I can see. He looks at me and for a moment I am lost once more in his blue eyes. That is until Igor rushes out of the room following Gordon. 

He nods at me and stands himself running after his creation and his friend.

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