Chapter 8 ~ A Kiss

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"To what degree would you say you understand the function and construction of nerves in the human body?" Victor asked whilst looking at Igor and I expectantly. We had not left the study and I was growing rather happy. Victor may have possibly discovered a way to bring the dead to life, reverse deaths effects and have the lost person back in your arms once more. Of course I had tried to stay completely focused on  the task at hand, the true objective of Victor's theories and inventions but my mind had begun to wander to thoughts of my beloved parents. 

Both dead, My father a man who was my entire world to have him back again alive and well would be the most amazing thing in the world. My mother, who was until recently alive to see her one last time thank her for all she gave and did, or even to have her back permanently it would be a miracle. 

And Victor had done it!

Well, part of it. He had taken that miracle and made it into a reality. Now Father had been dead much too long for him to be returned, but mother, mother had been dead less than a month. If Victor's ideas and technology really worked I could have her back again. 

"Don't you agree Melanie?" At the mention of my name I was snapped back into reality, my trail of thought lost and Victor and Igor both starring at me. 

"I'm sorry I was distracted," I blushed as Victor chuckled.  

"Victor is letting this be my-our work space," He gestured to the study, "But he refuses to tell me what is down there," He pointed to the grate, "If it is what we are working on don't you agree we have the right to know?" 

I pursed my lips, turning over the information in my brain. Slowly I began to nod watching as a triumphant smile spread across Igor's lips.

"It only seems fair,"

"And I have given you both shelter, clothes, food, surely it seems only fair that you do me the one small favor of working of your time here?" Victor stated almost throwing my words back at me, he did not seem best pleased. " what you "deserve" is immaterial, agreed?" 

"Agreed, I want to help change the world," Igor shook Victor's hand before both sets of eyes turned to me. 

"How could I not?" With a large smile Victor took my hand in his and pressed a gentle kiss to the surface, much like he had the night we met. 



With a crook in my neck I sat up from my second night of sleeping on the small couch. It was most uncomfortable and part of me had even begun to wonder if Victor's offer of sleeping with him was open but those thoughts were quickly dismissed.

"Up so soon?" Victor called as he entered the main part of the apartment, I simply nodded and tried my best to cover myself and the small nightdress I wore with my blanket. Victor chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Well, Igor will awake soon so you should most probably get dressed," 

Raising from the couch I pulled the blanket around my shoulders. "Were?" Victor looked surprised as if he had expected me to dress in front of him. 

"Oh, well, you could dress in my room I suppose," Nodding I made my way over to his room ignoring the feeling of his eyes following me.

 Victor's room was rather large, a double bed that looked large enough for three was pressed against the far wall and a closet that was no doubt filled with his clothes sat to its right. Apart from those and a few other pieces of furniture the room was strangely empty. Letting the blanket slip from my shoulders I picked up one of the dresses I had placed in here yesterday. 

The dress was blue, a deep dark blue. It reminded me of the sky on summer nights, not black yet not quite blue either. It was marvelous and one of my favorites. 

Slipping off my night dress I pulled the dress over my head and quickly discovered a problem. I could not reach the ties on the back of the dress to do it up. Sighing I hung my head and did the only possible thing that came to mind. 

"Victor!" I found myself blushing profusely as he entered the room a small blush of his own dusting his cheeks. "I was wondering, if perhaps you could tie me up?"

Softly he made his way over to my side, taking the ribbon of the dress in each hand and slipping it through the holes. Occasionally his fingers brushed my back the coolness of his skin sending shocks of electricity running through me. I had only known this man for a mere two days yet it felt like so much longer, as if I had known and loved him my entire life. 

"There we are," He sighed as he made the final bow and stood back, I turned to face him, the blush on my cheeks still raging like wild fire. 

"Thank you Victor,"

"Any Time Melanie," Our eyes met and I could not look away, I found my self trapped in the blue of his eyes. In that moment I could not look away and as if, by fate some all powerful being pulled us together and my lips were upon his. 

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