[1] my tutor

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New state, new home, new everything.

I no like move you know.

That means I gotta make new friends, make on "good impression" and be used to the mainland.

I from Hawaii and everything in the mainland is so different.

Everyone speaks so, proper.

For me, I no speak proper. I don't know how for.

In Hawaii, I grew up around talking this.

No, I no more one accent

We talk pigeon.

This is what I grew up around and it was hard for me during school.

Anyways, my dad get one job here in Miami and I no like stay with my grandma so I stay here,

In Miami,

Lost like one baby turtle out its shell.

I walked around the block and the people so rude.

No aloha, shake my head brah.

I just think I go suffer during school If i go see the same kind people everyday.


"Alright class, today we have a new student all the way from Hawaii!," The teacher said, I mentally cringed when he pronounced Hawaii wrong

"Please introduce yourself."

"Mahalo, my name is Y/N." I waved at them

"What school did you come from?." The teacher asked

"I came from Farrington High School on Oahu,"

"What area are you from?." Someone asked

"Kalihi," I said

"So, do your people wear grass skirts and coconut bras?," A white male with brown hair asked causing the class to laugh

"No, we wear same stuff like you guys." That question, I fucking hate that question

"Why do you speak like that?."

"Like what?," I ask

"Like your grammar sucks and I don't understand," He replied

"I don't know." I shrugged mumbling the words

"Please take a seat and we'll start on the lesson for today," He gave me a nice smile before I awkwardly walked the isle looking for an open spot, I spotted one by a girl with glasses, wavy black hair, decent comfy looking clothes

"I can sit here?," I asked politely as possible

"Y-yes," I sat down taking my backpack off and facing forward

"M-my name is Kayla," I looked at her and smiled

"I think you already know my name but my name Y/N," I shook her hand

"W-what is Hawaii l-like?," She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, cute

"If I go be honest, it's not all that like how media think it is. If for vacation, yeah it's nice to relax in paradise but living there is hard and expensive,"

"In my experience, it wasn't paradise. But it's not all bad. Like the beaches are nice, the food is good. Every place has its pros and cons," I finished

"Why did you move?," She asked once again

"My dad. He got a job, I don't know what kind or how but he got one job here," We both laughed

"Stutter, stop laughing and shut up!," My head snapped to where the voice came from

A slightly tan male, hair curled on top and sides faded. He wore a black Nike shirt inside of a jacket. He was smiling, seemed like a wicked smile

I turn my head to Kayla and she was now concentrating on the lesson

"Aye, how come he called you that," I asked

"T-they call m-me that cause I-I stu-stutter," I knotted my eyebrows

"You let them treat you like that? If my mom was here, she would've threw him out the window," She laughed

"I not joking, she hates bullies." Her smile falted and I laughed

"No let them treat you like that, he just lolo," She looked at me confused

"What's lolo?,"

"Oh, lolo means stupid." I said

"Just- You don't deserve to be treated like this. Like me call my mom?," I joked

"You're funny," She laughed and softly slapped the table

"I hope we'll become very good friends."


Today wasn't so bad. I just stuck to myself.

Now, I'm in the cafeteria sitting alone.

"H-hello," Kayla sat down with her tray

"Hi Kayla,"

"How come you don't sit by your friends?," I asked

"I only have one friend," She said

"Oh who are they? I'd like to meet them," She stared at me

"I'm looking at him," She deadpanned

"Oh." She laughed

"It-it's sad right? n-not having any f-friends,"

"You have me now,"

"Tha-thanks Y/N,"


After lunch Kayla and Y/N split ways to their different classes. Y/N had English last and it was not his best subject. Back in Hawaii, he would get scoldings for not using proper English in his essays.

During class, Y/N was afraid to speak. He didn't wanna embarrass himself.

"Alright class, may someone read this aloud?," The teacher pointed to the words on the board

". . . nobody?," she asked

"Ok, Y/N may you please read this?," Everyones eyes snapped to him

"Hyperbowl-- hyperbole is like one-is like exaggeration," So many mistakes for saying five words

The class laughed but the teacher stopped them. Y/N sunk down in his seat feeling smaller than everyone.

For the rest of class, he stayed quiet. Nothing was more embarrassing than embarrassing your ownself.

"No homework today, yoi are excused!," Everyone got up and started exiting the class

"Y/N, could I talk to you?," Y/N nodded slightly

"Do you have trouble speaking?," She asked

"I cannot speak proper," Y/N said

"Can-can I ask you to say a couple sentences?," Y/N just agreed

"You can say it anyway to want to, just try to say it as natural in your own way," He nodded

"I went to the store and buy milk for me," She hummed

"I like go park and play basketball," She nodded

"I can see the small problem and that's okay. But I do want you to improve, and please let your parents read this and possibly sign it to get you a tutor? no payment," I nodded i bid my goodbye

"Speech Tutor Sign-Form"

Speech tutor isnt going to go as easy as it seems


im so lazy and tired of life. part two coming when i have motivation

but i was thinking on making another imagine book but then "why am i going to make another when i suck at updating this one?," so im at eh

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