worthless penny

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[short, just wanted to fill]

"Shit." Y/N muttered under his breath

"Babe?." He called out to Camila who was in the closet looking for her heels

"Yeah?." She replied back bending down to pick up a pair and examining the work

"Do you have a worthless penny?."

Camila slowly turned and watched Y/N with a confused meme face

"A worthless penny?." He nodded

"No penny is worthless- how-why Y/N?." She laughed

"I don't know, I just think pennies sre worthless." He shrugged

"Oh Y/N, oh how much I love you." She turned back to the closet

"So is that a no?."

"I'm not even gonna answer you." She snickered

"Well fine then." He huffed

"I'll go find a worthless penny myself."


fun fact: this was me when i was seven years old and i felt so dumb

but now hoco week is over, by next week i will be working on writing more and uodating for from this long ass drought :)

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