just an admirer from afar

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Y/N was a quiet and secretive person, he was the definition of introvert.

Camila was the polar opposite, she was outgoing and such a social butterlfy. She was the definition of extrovert.

That's what Y/N loved about her. He loved that she was not afraid to speak her mind and express her emotions. Everything to him about her was just lovely.

They both didn't acknowledge another's presences except when she asks for a pencil or some help. Y/N feared that, being noticed by someone who stole his heart will leave him dead.

Camila didn't budge. To her, he was just a fellow peer. Not even close to a friend. She was bigger in everyone's eyes while Y/N was a small speck.

The only way Y/N could express his feelins to her in a subtle way was, though his eyes.

The eyes were said to be the windows to a persons soul. Of course for Y/N since he didn't like using his mouth verbally. The crisp and soft E/C gazing upon her smooth and slick hair. Analyzing the small details of her facial features. If you looked in his eyes, you could tell he was in love. But why would someone date someone so different from themself?

Opposites attract.

four months after june

Y/Ns eyes could tell so many emotions after Camila walked with a blacked haired guy.

one: disappointment; he knew he lost his chance

two: sadness; he never had a chance

three: anger; he should've made himself have a chance.

During those months, Camila finally noticed the boys eyes on her. Confused on which if he was looking at her or outside. But, she felt the urge and need to know.

"His eyes are just so, elegant." Camila said to her friends as she was ranting off about the boy who stares at her

"Explain the use of elegant to eyes Cami."

"I don't know how to but his eyes are so soft and when I caught eye contact, it was as if I could read him like a book." She explained

"I don't know but that seems weird; what's his name again?."

"Y/N, I have him for math and health." Camila replied

"Just ignore it, he's so quiet almost no one knows what his voice sounds like."

'But I need to know' Camila said to herself, her friends got up and left when the bell rang signalling school was over. It was now time for her after school host party.


"Welcome everyone, hope you're doing fine and enjoying yourselves," she received mumbled answers

"Our head principle will be giving a speech in a little bit so enjoy some snacks at the table and refreshments at the bar." She smiled and got off the stage.

Y/N stood by the door way, his eys following her swift motion down, she looked up and caught his eyes. He quickly moved away to exit, but she wanted to know the answer to her questions so she rushed to catch up. Bumping into people and trying her best not to trip, Camila found Y/N slowly walking outside the building.

"Hey! Stop I need to talk to you!." Y/N stopped in his tracks, back still facing her

"You always have your eyes on me, but you never talk to me, why's that?." He just shrugged

Camila walked up to him, pulled his shoulder and forces him to face her.

"Who are you? I know your name but why do you always stare at me?." He backed up with a small smile

"Nobody important really, just an admirer from afar." He turned and started walking away

Camila opened her mouth but no words could come out.


troye sivan atm is my motivation to write.

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camila mendes ➵ imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora