knives everywhere

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[ your pov and narrator ]

Physically there were knives in the kitchen and my hand.

Metaphorically, in my heart.

I would have never thought I would be taken advantage of and just thrown in the dumpster like nothing.

lets rewind to the night where everything went downhill.

It was a calm and windy night and I was getting ready for Chucks annual big party.

"I want you safe. Meaning no drugs, sex, and go light on the beer." My mom was my gaurdian angel. Always looking out for me, guiding me through things and giving me freedom for particular things.

"Yes mom I will be safe." My ironed black long sleeve button up shirt, and matching black khaki joggers

"You look quite dashing." My mom butted in from my door again

"Thanks, I gotta run and meet Veronica there." I quickly kissed her cheek and jogged downstairs to exit the house


"Y/N MY MAN HOW YOU BEEN BRO!." A drunk Reggie slurred out holding onto his cup

"I just got here, did you see Veronica anywhere?." I asked over the music

"NOPE! BUT I DO SEE SOME CUTE CHICKS OVER THERE!." He walked away swaying, I couldn't really focus on where I was going since bodies kept on colliding with mines and the strong yet annoying scent of beer filled my nose, which annoyed me

I spotted Jughead, which I was beyond confused since he kinda is a turtle and an introvert. I approached him were I saw he trying to blend in with the dark wall but I could always obviously recognize his beanie

"Juggy!." His eyes landed on me

"Y/N, finally someone who I know doesn't like drinks." He smiled showing his big and bright teeth

"Have you seen Veronica?." I ask

"I seen her around the kitchen but that was a time ago before you arrived."

"But, do you wanna go outside and chill? I know you don't like parties like this and Chuck has soda in his fridge." I agreed to his polite offer, parties can sometimes be the ruinier of your life. Drugs, alcohol, sex, everything underage. Leads to jail and a rough patch after. You both walked out to the back and found two comfy chairs by the pool.

"I'm assuming Betty dragged you?." He nodded before popping open a can of soda

"And I'm also assuming Veronica dragged you?." I nodded my head in agreement

"I'd rather be at home reading while eating pizza."

"Same, parties are insanely dangerous when there's the school top jocks and stuck-up girls." He said

"What if supernatural creatures were real, what would you be?" You asked

"That's a really random question." You both laughed

"I think I'd be a vampire, just because I like to stick to myself and hate going outside in the sun." He said

"I think I would want to be a werewolf, just so I can feel what it's like to howl on a cliff during a full moon." You said

"Well, tonight's your night buddy," You looked at him confused

"It's a full moon tonight." You looked up and saw the bright moon shining down

You confidently stood up, chest puffed out, arms tensed back, you inhaled a big breath

"AHHHHHOOOOOOOO." You howled/screamed at the top of your lungs, the house being close by the forest, you heard howls echoing back

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