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*A/N: a small series idea i got when i was messaged about something. @LunaNightWind *

*A/N: homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, any phobia that has to do with LGBT will not be tolerated here*

Camila stood by the brick wall waiting for her little brother to get out of school, she spotted a tan girl, with bushy but beautifully wavy hair, dark brown eyes, the girl was wearing a simple shirt and light blue jeans. Her thighs were big, you could see her body rolls, but it just made her more beautiful that you can sense she was comfortable with her body.

Camilas eyes followed the girl as she entered the building, the bell rang and in an instant, young teenagers ran out. Luckily she knew Y/Ns class was near the exit so she didn't have to wait so long.

Only now she wants to wait a little longer to catch the girl that caught her eyes.

"Hey Cami," Y/N looked up, due to height differences.

"Helllooo," Camila still stared straight

"Excuse me old lady, I wanna go home." Camila snapped her eyes down to him

"Y-yeah okay," Her eyes never left the door the girl entered, her head turning the more they walk further, she could see her signing papers.

Once they came by the car, she finally took her eyes off the girl and went inside. She put her hands on the steering wheel and let out a heavy sigh.

"How come you kept staring at the school," her eleven year old brother asked



"You're gay," Betty said through the phone

"No I am not, I was just deeply interested in a physical appearance," Camila defensively said back

"Here comes the denying phase, on comes the realization, then ladi ladi dah,"

"Face it Camila, you are gay."

"Ugh Lily shut up, I am not gay. Once again, I was just admiring her beauty." Camila replied

"Yeah, in gay." The latina groaned

"I'm done with you Lily, bye." She heard the blonde laugh before hanging up

"Damn you, you mysterious beautiful girl."


"Cami why do you always stare at the new teacher assistant?," Y/N asked

it's been two months and everytime she would come to pick up her little brother, she'd wait just to stare at the girl

"New teacher assistant?,"

"Yeah, she's my new math teacher assistant, she's really nice and pretty," He said

"What's her name?," Camila asked slightly eagerly

"Ms. Leilani."


"You know, if you like her, just talk to her."

"I don't like her, I'm straight." She said intensely starting at the window trying to focus on her moving figure

"That sounds like every confused gay character in a movie,"

"I may be only eleven years old, but I'm not dumb." He finished

"I'm not gay." Camila straight dropped


"Lily, I think I'm gay." Camila said though the phone

"I've been telling you that for how many months?," Lily grumbled, she must be eating

"If you're sure then it's okay, i support you. Just get your girl and cuff her." Lily said in a 'duh' manner

"I just need to tell Y/N, I don't know how he'll react."

"Y/N loves you too much to ever go against you."

"You don't know that, we've had our petty fights. He's still learning about world and what if church gets inti his head and call me a 'sinner'?," Camila exclaimed

"All I have to say is that you're just going to have to find out for yourself by telling him." Lily hung up

"Did she just-" Camila took her phone away from her ear, astonished at her dear friend


"Y/N!," Camila called

"What?!," He replied by yelling back

"Can you come here real quick? It's important," Moments later, Y/N walked in her room wondering what his older sister would want

"Sit over here buddy, I need to tell you something that could destroy everything or make it stronger," She breathed out

"Can you hurry? I still have homework y'know,"

"Okay," She let out a heavy sigh

"I just wanted to tell you that, I like girls."

"Yeah I knew that, so can i go back to doing my homework?." He asked

"Y-yeah, okay." She was astonished at his response

"Kay, love you." He got up and ran back to his room

"Well, that went better than the scenario in my head." She said to herself before shrugging and getting up also to return to her room


Many months after the confession, both and Camila and Y/N could talk about the girls they liked or think is cute. Their bond had gotten way much more stronger, they connected to each other on a different level than just being siblings.

Also, Camila has been planning on continuously helping Y/N in school every way that she can. She met many new people from the school and became friends with the staff.

Right now, Camila entered the math class and saw Y/N and Ms. Leilani talking about how to do the work. Y/N saw his sisters figure and smiled towards her

"Hi Mila," Ms. Leilanis eyes landed on her

The gorgeous dark brown eyes met with another dark brown eyes.

"Ms. Leilani, this is my sister, I'm sure you've heard about her." Y/N said

"Oh yes, I have. Welcome, I'm obviously Ms. Leilani." She stuck her hand out for Camila to shake. Camila gently grabbed her hand also and shook it politely, screaming in her head that she's finally getting to know the 'mysterious girl' from almost a year ago

"I'm Camila, it's nice to meet you."


as yall can see, I suck at updating. sbi folks

anyways, hows life?

mines is going okay. so much student coucil stress, drama, love life and traumatic memories at home. yknow, the usual.

quick questions, can yall give ideas or request something?

im sure you must be tired of the sad ass shit i write

- A

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