just a small peak

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"Why can't I see her? I, the groom, refuse to not see my bride." Y/N said sternly. He's been whining for about 10 minutes to see Camilas wedding dress.

"It's bad luck. So stop acting like a little child and go outside." Y/N shook his head as he stood his spot

"You may be 22, but as your mother, I will grab a heel and beam it at you." Y/N's eyes widen

"The last time you threw a cup at me because I ate most of the brownies."

"Those were for my co-workers spaghetti brain!." She said

"1...2..-3," She started off

"By the count of 5, you better be out there or I will actually throw my heel at you." The boy scurried out of the the hall towards the venue.


"Y/N come here." Camilas father said

"Yes?." He responded

"You know I like you right? but marriage is a lifetime commitment. You dare to cheat, I'll personally cut off your penis."

"I can see why our families like each other, we're so aggressive." His soon-to- be father in-law smiled

"I'll see you on the runway." He said before walking away


"Camila it's gonna be okay!." Her best friend reassured the nervous girl

"You're right. Today is gonna be awesome with my love." She sighed

"Distract my mom and all the girls. I wanna see her wedding dress, ten dollars? deal." She heard a faint deep voice say

Looking at the girls, who obviously heard him, she giggled softly before trying to play along.

"I've missed you so much!." Came in a small brown haird boy about the age of 5. His mother once again, stood right in front of the door.

As the boy progressed with a conversation, Y/N thought everyone was focused on the little boy, so he opened the door a little bit but closed it immediately after he saw his mother's elbows. Running to hide, he heard his mom's heels click against the floor.

"Y/N Kai Kamakani Kamealoha you never listen do you?." She popped in front of him with held hands on her hips

*A/N: In giving you a unique middle name(s) because why not?*

"I didn't do anything." He held his hands up in defense

He tried to walk away, but she caught his ear.

"You are the worst whisperer ever. We heard your big mouth from the start of your junk plan with Hawika."

"I heard my name?." The little boy poked his head out

"Tell me what your brother did." Y/N gave him a pleading glar

"I'm sorry Y/N, mommy is the boss. He gave me ten dollars to distwact you guys so he can see Mila."

"Please mom! just one small peak is all I ask for!." He begged

"No." She deadpanned

"Baby! I'm hurt please help me!." He yelled as he acted to get her out wity her dress

"No." She yelled back

"I'll give you a hint: her dress is white." Y/N playfully rolled his eyes

"Wow, I can just perfectly imagine her dress." He said sarcastically

"Just wait for one more hour, and then after you get to see her out of the dress."


"And, you are done." Camila sat there with her eyes closed as her makeup and hair was finished

Camila opened her eyes, seeing her in a wedding dress was a dream of hers. Y/N would practically die when he sees her


"May everyone please stand for the bride." Y/N stood there in awe ad he saw his soon-to-be wife walk down the isle with a beautiful long dress, her vail, and with her father.

Once they reached the stage, Y/N felt tears forming, feeling over whelmed that he's getting married the girl of his dreams.

After he father gave his daughter to him, he couldn't but help at her beauty. Cutting everyone one out the world and focusing on the the person, who is his world.

"Groom, please say your vows." He snapped out his trance and pulled out a paper.

"As most you know, I'm not really good at remembering stuff when I'm extremely nervous," Everyone chuckled

"To my love, you were my light when I was in a dark place. You helped me heal my scars on my skin and soul. My cracks were glued together because of you. When we first met, I was the quiet, shy, and awkward boy that stayed by himself under a tree reading a book. It would be such cliché to say that the popular girl fell in love with the weird kid. You accepted my flaws with no hesitation, and I will forever be grateful for you. My love, I want to spend my whole life with you and create more memories as our new journey will began." Y/N finished off

Camila had a tear swipe down her cheek, Y/N noticed and wiped it away with his hand.

"Now, the bride please say your vows."

"To my love bear, I will forever hold you in my heart as we go on with our lives as a newly wed couple. You fill me with so much happiness. I wouldn't ask for anyone else in the world. You make me the feel like the most beautiful women in the world when I deel insecure. You're always there when I need you, despite when we have our disagreements, I alwatd see you right beside me. I love you so much." Y/N broke down in tears

"Now, do you Y/N Y/L/N take Camila Mendes as your wife? To love-" Y/N cut him off anxious to kiss her already

"I do."

"And do you Camila Mendes take Y/N Y/L/N as your husband? To love-"

"I do." Everyone let out small laughs

"I now pronounce as Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N." Everyone cheered as Camila yanked Y/N by the tie and smashed their lips together

After they exited the venue and everyone throwing rice at them, they made their way for the party.

As Y/N sat down watching his wife and father in-law dance with each other.

"Congradulations little brother." His older brother Brendon said

Y/N returned a smile and looked at his exaughsted wife plop down in a chair

"I didn't think he'll want to dance that long." Y/N slid his fingers into hers ad he rubbed his thumb on her hand

"I love you." He said genuinely

"I love you too." They kissed each other passionately

"Cause why?."

"Cause bang bang bang!." They both laughed at their inside joke

After hearing many peoples speech, it was for the real fun. Y/N and Camila were dancing very sensually as sexual songs were being played mostly. He had his arms around her waist and her back agaisnt his front. Swaying side to side, he kissed her neck

"Babe, can I have a peak on whats under your dress?." He asked seductively

"Not here." She laughed as he tried to being her closer

"Why not? Just one small peak." He whispered

"Tonight you'll get to see all of it off okay?." He nodded his head as he enjoyed her presence in his arms

Drinking, dancing, and mostly grinding, the couple made it to their hotel room.

"Get ready baby." She slipped off her dress easily showing a black lace lingerie

The whole night of sweet love, the newly weded couple spent the first morning together as husband and wife holding each other in their arms.

Y/N got a small peak of a new chapter of his life with his wife and now, unborn child.


Yall can request for GxG , i don't mind

- A

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