no sparkle

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Ever fell in love with someone you know won't love you back romantically because of their obliviousness?

Best friends, Veronica Lodge and Y/N Mantle. Hung out everyday, walked eachother everywhere, texted non-stop, basically superglued to the hip.

Y/N would most of the time feel left out when Veronica would gush about a cute boy or say she's going on a small date. She's been cheated on many times, so she's trying almost everything to find her actual 'soulmate'. It pained him

"So do you have any plans tonight?." Veronica asked, sipping from her milkshake

"The usual; stay in bed, eat, and play video games." He replied

"What about you, miss lodge?."

"Well, I have a date with James. He's a grade up from us." She smiled

"And I think he's the one." Y/N's posture fell

"I hope you have fun, and tell me everything that happenes." Y/N didn't want to risk his friendship with her so he never said anything or acted on his feelings. But his eyes showed it. All the admiration in his eyes when he would look at her, his pupils dialating when his eyes land on her. But her mind and eyes were always clouted on someone else.

"It is now 2 pm and I wanna let you have all the time to get ready for your date with your soulmate." Y/N put on a fake smile

"Okay." They got up and left the booth


"Are you serious?! YOU CAN'T EVEN KILL A SINGLE PERSON- YOU SHUT UP YOU'RE LIKE ONLY 8!." Y/N huffed and threw his headphone to the bed surface as his team lost on Call Of Duty.

Y/N got up, with shorts on and a pair of socks. Flopping down on his wheelchair, he let out a long exhale. Feeling beyond bored and a little sad, he grabbed his sweatshirt and put on his shoes. Before trying to exit through his window, he checked if all the lights were off.

On mights like these, he would be texting Veronica or facetiming her. Riverdale isn't dangerous to walk around at night, just don't go in the woods and don't enter the south side.

Y/N had his earbuds in, at full blast with 'Somebody Else' by The 1975 playing. He didn't purposely play the song just to feel sad and say he can relate....

Anyways, walking on the sidewalk by Thornshill mansion, he sees a redhead whimpering. Cheryl Blossom, he would say he has had feelings for her but his heart was on someone else.

"Cheryl? Why are you crying?." He whispered

"Go away." She mumbled

"I can obviously see you're hurting and I wanna help." He genlty grabbed her wrist

"You're freezing." He took off his sweatshirt and attempted to wrap ot around her

Sitting there shirtless, he couldn't care less. He was raised to respect women.

"Thank you." Cherlys voice shivered

"Now, would you like to tell me why you are crying or would you like to sit here in with me in a comfortable silence?."

By her silence, he knew her exact answer. He scooted closer to her since he began to be cold, she laid her head on his shoulders sniffling

"Have your parents ever fill your head with such toxic things?." She asked

"When they're angry but they apologize after they've calmed down, why?."

"My parents. They're so mean and disgusting towards me. I'm like they're doll to play around with. They would call me names and degrade me. I hate it." She let out a sob, Y/N wrapped his arm around her shoulder

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