petals of memory

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in a flower, every petal holds a memory. The adventures, simple days, and of course the fights and situations. It has its moments were it blossoms into something beautiful and were its drained and looks sad.

Camila and Y/N had many memories and fights with eachother but they came over them.

But at the end, flowers die and new ones are planted to start new memories.

Here are some petals of their life.

Petal #1: springtime sprouting

16 year old Camila Mendes was sitting bu herself at a pinic table enjoying a ice cream cone to help with the spring time heat. Her glasses laying on the bridge of her nose, ponytail flow with the wind. She wasn't much of a social person. She was a total introvert. She barely had any friends, her one friend turnee against her as she became known throughout their school.

"What is the freak doing all by herself? Oh yeah, she doesn't have any  friends!." She heard a group of feminine laughs erupt close to her

"Hey weirdo, we're talking to you!." The group slunk slowly to her

She prepared herself of the usual harassment.

"I see you got new glasses since I broke your old one. Want me to break them again?." She snatched Camilas glasses, in an instant, Camila tried to grab it

"Give me back my glasses!." Camila triwd to reach but her arms weren't long enough

"Or what? are you gonna call your little comic imaginary friends to save you?." She teased evily

"Excuse me, I don't think that's right to bully her when she has done nothing to you girls." A deep voice told

"Get out of our business hood rat!." She exclaimed

"I suggest you leave or things will get out of hand." Y/N said sternly as he stood, face-to-face with the troublemaker

"Whatever hood rat." The girl rolled her eyes and threw the glasses to his chest and left

The teenage boy, who wore a leather jacket and black apperal turned around to the quiet girl

"Thank you." Camila shyly said

"No problem." Y/N lifted to softly put her glasses on

"I'm Y/N." He finally introduced himself

"I'm Camila." She said softly

"Do you mind if I sit with you?." The boy asked

"Yeah, sure." She smiled as they sat opposite sides from eachother

"I see you have a book there. Whatcha reading?." He asked

"A collection of poems by Shel Siverstein." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear

"Really? which is your favorite? I like 'The giving tree'." He said excitedly

"You read poems?." She asked surprised

"I love poems, very little words yet deep meanings."

"You don't look like the type to read." She said

"Well, don't judge a book by its cover." He said back

"Got me there." They both started laughing

"If you don't mind me asking, why did she call you a hood rat?." Camila waited for his answer

"Well, I just moved here from so called 'ragid' or 'ghetto' side of this town,"

camila mendes ➵ imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang