an 'oh shit' moment

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"Hey how's the book going so far?." Y/N asked as Veronica slammed the book down frustrated

"Horrible, just horrible."

"Why's that?." Y/N asked

"Because there's nothing exciting. The trial is so dumb; Tom is obviously innocent and like there's no purpose for me to read this if there's no lesson." She exclaimed

"That's where you're wrong V." She snapped her eyes to the slightly taller boy

"This book has many lessons and meanings, you need to think deeper to understand it."

"Okay if you know everything, explain to me how." She crossed her arms and awaited for you

"To kill a mocking bird is a book about coming of age. Scout and Jem slowly come of age by understanding the reality of racism, social injustice, diversity and people of Maycomb County,"

"In the beginning, they find out that Atticus has a case to defend a black man, that causes tension in the town. Racism is big and people of Maycomb didn't like that he was gonna defend a black man,"

"Jem and  Scout asks why he is doing it because kids from school brought it up, Atticus said it was the right thing to do. Black people had few to no rights at all back then but Atticus knew he had to take it cause if he didn't, the defendant would've already been dead and that's where it comes in as his saying that it's a sin to kill a mocking bird,"

"The defendant, Tom Robinson, is like a mocking bird. Evidence from the trial obviously proves that he's innocent. The thing is, the result is the jury's responsibility, and the whole jury is made of white men of Maycomb so of course they're going to side with The Ewell's cause they're racist,"

"Jem and Scout understand now that e everyone in Maycomb is racist and that it's not like the perfect picture they thought when they were young. When Jem had to read to Mrs. Dubose, he didn't know that she was a drug addict and she used Jem as a distraction, Atticus teaches him that courage comes in all ways,"

"Let's skip, so Tom lost the trail, got killed trying to escape. At the end of the book, Boo Radley saves the children from being killed by drunken Bob Ewell. Boo had killed Bob. When they got back, Heck Tate created another story cover up that Boo killed Bob, why?,"

"Maybe because Boo was a very shy person and wanted to protect Boo from the public eye?." Veronica said

"Yes, but also, think of it as a yin-yang.  The symbol is about balance. If everything doesn't balance out, bad things will happen,"

"What're you trying to say?." Veronica asked curiously as she put her chin on her palm

"When Tom was killed, the scale went off balance because he didn't deserve to die. But it's like Heck was trying to Balance it out because Bob deserved to die for his unfairness and attempt to hurt children,"

"That's why he said "let the dead bury the dead". Heck was trying to give late justice to Tom,"

"Oh shit." Veronica said dumbfounded

"Oh shit indeed babe." Y/N smiled

"So like, Jem and Scout learn so much things that they're point of view change on everything and that realities of the world are cruel?." She asked


"Babe, you are a damn genius." Y/N chucked

"So what now?." Y/N asked

"I'm reading it all over again and noe I'm going to try to understand everything."

"You do you boo." He smiled


small update srry im so busy with school and soccer and im tired.

- A

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